Leaving the Hospital - 5/27/2010

Leaving the hospital – 5/27/2010

We were discharged from the hospital around 5ish on Thursday. Nate and I packed up all of our things and called for assistance. 2 Volunteers came to help us downstairs. One volunteer went with Nate and carried all of our bags on a cart to the truck. The other volunteer took Mason and I in the nursery to match up our bracelets and to take the alarm off Mason’s leg. They gave Mason and honorary Texas Rangers certificate, a hat and 4 free tickets to a game! I love that the Texas Rangers sponsor our hospital. After we left the nursery the volunteer wheeled Mason and I downstairs to Daddy, who was waiting with the truck. It was such an awesome sight to see Nate getting the truck ready and then loading our son in. Real world, here we come. The Halls – family of 4 now (including Diesel, of course). Mason was wide awake and so bright eyed. He liked riding in his carrier and looking around. It was a great ride home.

As soon as we pulled out of the hopsital parking lot the George Strait song, “Best Day of my Life” came on. It was absolutely perfect for our situation and we will never forget that. Of course I cried.

We got home to Nana, Papa and Uncle TY waiting on us – cameras and video cameras in hand!! It was a really nice homecoming.

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