Our sweet baby boy is now 38 weeks!!!
(as of Tuesday, Feb 15th)
(as of Tuesday, Feb 15th)
That's 266 days, 6384 hours, 383,040 minutes that you have been with us Mason!! Most astonishing 383,040 phenomenal minutes of my life!!
I love you, sugarbear! You are the sweetest, silliest, most loving baby ever. Each day with you is better and more fun than I could have ever imagined. You have such a darling little personality and you make me so proud to be your Mama.
Let’s see, at 38 weeks...
- Dada is still your favorite word!! You say it all the time and it never gets any less cute!
- Your vocabulary is growing. Mostly with words only you understand, but always hearing new ones! As of right now you can say (when you want to)
Diesel (but you only whisper it)
Eddie (your stuffed elephant)
- You love to “dance". Music or no music.
- You are still taking steps when holding your hands
Diesel (but you only whisper it)
Eddie (your stuffed elephant)
- You love to “dance". Music or no music.
- You are still taking steps when holding your hands
- You have "stood" up many times by yourself
- Still love your toes
- Still love your toes
- Sleeping has been great. You are taking 1 to 2 bottles throughout the night.
- You take a 6oz bottle about every 3 hours during the day. 8oz bottle at bed time.
- You take a 6oz bottle about every 3 hours during the day. 8oz bottle at bed time.
- Still doing well with the solids.You eat 1 4oz jar at lunch time and 2 4oz jars in the evening most of the time. You don't really want anything to do with rice cereal in a bowl.
- When on your stomach you’ve gotten into the “crawl” position a few times.
- You love to sit up on your own and play with your toys.
- When on your stomach you’ve gotten into the “crawl” position a few times.
- You love to sit up on your own and play with your toys.
- As for clothes – most of your pants are size 12-18 months, shirts are mostly 12 months, pajamas are mostly 12-18 months.
- In size 4 diapers
- Love puffs and water in a sippy cup
- Love puffs and water in a sippy cup
New this week:
- You carry on a conversation and tilt your head to make sure the person you're talking to is listening
- You help Mommy "yell" for Diesel to come back in side (so funny)
- You grin when you know you're being silly or doing something you shouldn't (and my oh my how you look like your daddy when you grin!!)
- When giving kisses you wait until the last second and then stick out your tongue!! Every time, never fails!
- You love your heavy die cast tractors this week!
- Love to spin anything that has wheels
- New word "yeah"
- You love seeing pictures of yourself and often carry them around
- You help Mommy "yell" for Diesel to come back in side (so funny)
- You grin when you know you're being silly or doing something you shouldn't (and my oh my how you look like your daddy when you grin!!)
- When giving kisses you wait until the last second and then stick out your tongue!! Every time, never fails!
- You love your heavy die cast tractors this week!
- Love to spin anything that has wheels
- New word "yeah"
- You love seeing pictures of yourself and often carry them around
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