{Texas Tuesday - V4 // Trains in GlenRose TX}

Texas Tuesday

Linking up with J and Amanda for Texas Tuesday!

One of the things I love most about Texas is the Southern Hospitality and the over all kindness of Texans!
Texans hardly ever meet a stranger!

A couple weekends ago we were shopping in a little town (Glen Rose, TX) and we met an awesome man! He introduced himself and then talked to us like he'd known us forever.
He'd lived in that town for 80 something years. And his 92 year old brother drove a couple hours that morning to visit him.

I just love that!

And Mason loved him, too! He made the most awesome train noises and even let us video it. My father in law has it on his phone, so I'll have to get him to send it to me.

My Father in Law talking with him

He so many great stories to share and had us all captivated.
He had such a gentle soul
A heart the size of Texas!!!!


  1. I love this!! I always think it's so great whenever you get to sit and visit with an older person. They always have the best stories and advice.

    Thanks for linking up with us, have a great Texas Tuesday!!

  2. Oh, that reminds me of what "going to coffee" was like with my Grandpa when I was a little girl. We always met very interesting people with very interesting stories! Great post!

  3. Love this!!!! Those pictures are amazing and I love your blog!!!! I'm also kind of jealous you're from Texas :) I LOVE Texas.

  4. Hey Mason's Mom.....found you thru your guest blog over at A Beautiful Day....so nice to find another Texas Blogger. Hope you will stop by my blog and say "howdy" ! I have added you to my favs list

    xo ~ Sylvia

  5. What a fun story... I never meet a stranger! My kids always ask me, "Do you know them?!" lol My six year old gets it though, because he's the same way. And he knows everyone in our small town, more so than the rest of us even!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!