{He said what?!? V7}

Ready for another round?
Some time in September - we were driving by a water tower and...
Mason - "Mommy, that tower is full of water. But we can't drink it because it has poop in it and it stiiiiiiiinks"
10/4 - "You are my lovebug Mama" - Mason
 10/4 - "You're driving me crazy Daddy" - Mason
{not at the same time - two different times during the day}
10/7 - "Come to my room Daddy, it's so bunch of fun" - Mason
10/9 - "Do you want me to close my eyes and take a little nap Mommy?" - Mason. 
10/11 - "Those are botchables, Mommy" - Mason
"Vegetables, Mason?" - Me
"Yep, botchables" - Mason
  10/17 - "Be careful of Ratoons mommy, they will sting you very bad" - Mason
10/21 - "Mama, I wanna listen to the Glory song" - Mason
11/1 - Before School
"Mason are you my baby?" - Me
"No, I'm your best friend" - Mason   
After School
"Mason are you my baby?" - Me
"No, I'm your kid" - Mason
11/2 - "Mason what do you want to do tomorrow?" - Nathan
"Wake up" - Mason
11/3 - "I need a dinosaur and a saddle" - Mason
Previous posts here  

  PS - I am always late at getting these posts up! As you can see, these are all from back in the Fall. Oops!


  1. Oh my gosh!!! How sweet. That is such a great idea that you do that!!! Mason is so sweet and adorable! I think my favorite one is when you asked him what he wanted to do tomorrow and he said wake up !

  2. Dying over this one:

    11/1 - Before School
    "Mason are you my baby?" - Me
    "No, I'm your best friend" - Mason

  3. These are just priceless! I love the stuff that kids say, they tell it how it is through their eyes and that is usually very entertaining :)

  4. These are Awesome!! Love the last one!! Every boy needs a dinosaur and a saddle!!

  5. Love him! He def. needs a dinasour and a saddle. :)

  6. Those are so cute! I love that he says he's your best friend. So sweet!

  7. I laughed out loud on the dinosaur and saddle. HE IS PRECIOUS!

    Can't wait to see yall this weekend and then I get to see you the next weekend toooooooo! Lucky girl I am


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!