Linking up for Five on Friday!
Happy Friday friends. It's been a long, emotionally exhausting week. I'm happy for the weekend, for sure.
{O N E}
Mason's first level 3 class went really great on Wednesday!! He went right into the pool area without looking back. When class was over he said, "Mama, I want to stay in that class forever! It was awesome." and "Did you and Dad see me?" - and he was yelling because he was so excited!! Lovin' this!!!
{T W O}
Nate was invited to a lunch at the Ball Park in Arlington {I'm not ready to call it Globe Life Park yet} by his company. It's a luncheon they hold for top teams of the year. Nathan wasn't on a PMT team for most of last year because he switched departments a couple of times. So, we were curious to why he was invited. We went out and bought him a nice outfit to wear. He ended up getting an excellence achievement award!! And a nice $250 to go with his pretty little glass award! His alternator also went out on his truck that morning. God sure does provide!!
{T H R E E}
Nathan had a coaches meeting Thursday evening for Blast Ball. We got our team; 5 returning players, 1 friend of a friend and 2 that were drafted to our team!! This year they did it different and gave us Major league team names rather than minor league teams! Rangers went really quick, of course. But, we did get the Astros. Hey, at least it's a Texas team. And so much easier to find apparel and such than the Iron Pigs were! I can't wait to start our season!!!
{F O U R}
We have 2 birthday parties at the exact same time tomorrow! And, we are going to both of them! Both are good family friends and we don't want to miss either.
{F I V E}
I've had a very, very heavy heart this week. I posted why here. So tragic and heartbreaking. I've been squeezing my little guy a little tighter all week. I've saved my no's for the bigger battles and played with him every single chance I've had. I've also slept in his bed the last 3 nights.

Pretty mama! I hope you guys have a great weekend! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Mason enjoyed his big boy class. :)