Mason seems to hit a growth spurt every 6-8 months. We are in the middle of one now. It's funny, a couple of weeks ago I kept telling everyone that I think he's growing. Their response is always "he is, too fast". But I'm like, no really...he's growing right now! A mama's intuition, I guess. Because it wasn't a few days later Mason started showing all of his normal signs of a growth spurt -
- Takes forever to fall asleep at night
- Flops around like a fish out of water when asleep
- Sleeps longer. Like Sunday night - he slept 14+ hours!!
- Eats a ton and is willing to try new things. Friday night he ate an onion ring! My picky little guy ate a freakin' onion!! And it was a big onion!
- More irritable/more fits/cries at the drop of a hat
The fits are definitely not fun, but I love that he eats more and is willing to try new things. He is usually so picky with what he eats and doesn't always eat a lot.
Cute side story - Nate bought Mason a 'build your own (wooden) knife kit' at Cabelas the other day and Mason thinks he is so grown! It's a pretend/starter knife, but Mason doesn't fully know that. He thinks he has a real knife. He keeps telling me, "Mama, can you believe I am big enough to have a pocket knife now?" and I want to cry every single time.
He truly is growing too fast.
Does your child have any distinct signs when having a growth spurt?

Oh my goodness he is the cutest!
ReplyDeleteThat is funny, I feel like I have anti-mama intuition. Everybody said you'd figure out what the cries meant, and I never did. Apart from distress and just pissed off. Hungry, wet, tired, etc..never got those. When Aria wants me to carry her all this morning...I feel like she must be 3 times bigger than a few days ago.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way! Perhaps mine is going through a growth spurt too, it's taking him 1-2 hours to fall asleep at night! hmm...and he took a 3 hour nap yesterday, which is super long for him. And we can't forget that he ate a sandwich the other day soon he's going to be taller than me and I'm going to be looking up to him...sad face, cue uncontrollable crying...j/k, sort of.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way! Perhaps mine is going through a growth spurt too, it's taking him 1-2 hours to fall asleep at night! hmm...and he took a 3 hour nap yesterday, which is super long for him. And we can't forget that he ate a sandwich the other day soon he's going to be taller than me and I'm going to be looking up to him...sad face, cue uncontrollable crying...j/k, sort of.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way! Perhaps mine is going through a growth spurt too, it's taking him 1-2 hours to fall asleep at night! hmm...and he took a 3 hour nap yesterday, which is super long for him. And we can't forget that he ate a sandwich the other day soon he's going to be taller than me and I'm going to be looking up to him...sad face, cue uncontrollable crying...j/k, sort of.
ReplyDeleteI actually never thought about looking for signs of a growth spurt until you mentioned it! Sadie is actually doing all of those same things right now (except for the eating a ton girl always eats like a grown man!) I'm interested now to see if I see a noticeable change in her growth in the coming weeks!
ReplyDeleteMy baby sleeps and sleeps and sleeps when he is growing!
ReplyDeleteI think my son is growing too. He's so restless at night and kicks his legs nonstop. If I don't give him some Motrin before bed he wakes screaming and crying with leg pain. It breaks my heart but I know it's part of the normal process.