{Adult getaway // Galveston, TX}

I mentioned yesterday in my Grateful Heart post that the hubbs and I recently went away for an adults only trip to the beach {Galveston TX}. To sum it up....

It was great!
It was needed.
It was refreshing.
It will happen again.

We went with two other couples. Both of which were friends that I met on the Internet {I know!} and their hubbies.  If you've read my blog for any length of time you will know that Amanda and I are great friends and met through our blogs 3 or 4 years ago. We've met in person several times since then and our hubbies have met a time or two. The other couple is a friend we met through Instagram. It was our first time to meet them in person. 
We didn't have a specific agenda other than to hang out, relax and have fun. The forecast called for downpours the whole time we were there...so we were just going to wing it. We all wanted to go on a chartered fishing trip but couldn't make any solid plans due to the rain. We got there on Thursday and it only rained until Friday afternoon and cleared out! It was fabulous!!

 We had plenty of girl time {and the boys had their time}, we walked the beach, fished, hung out, drank pina coladas out of coconuts, had delicious meals and more laughter than we can count. If it's any indication of how much fun we had we were already planning our next trip a day into this trip!  We scoped out houses that we might like to stay in and talked about other places we could visit. We also created many hilarious hashtags for our trip...but I will refrain from putting them on here since it would be like morse code to anyone that wasn't with us.

Cheers to stronger friendships and new traditions!

There's nothing in this world that I love more than being a Mama, but it was nice being a fun married couple again for a few days!! Not that Nate and I don't have fun regularly...it was just a different kind of fun to have conversations that didn't include legos, zombies, or monster trucks and to be able to actually finish a meal with no interruptions. We stayed up later than we have in years, actually go to sleep in the same bed together and had lots of adult conversations {even if we talked about our kids!!}. It was fun. Too much fun.

But come Sunday, I was so ready to get home to my sweet boy. I may have had a breakdown in the truck when we got in the road. I realized that vacation was over and 4.5 hours {with no traffic} separated us from Mason and it brought me to tears. Like crocodile tears. But I do want to say how much I appreciate my in-laws for keeping Mason. We know we don't have to worry about a thing when they have him. He enjoys going to their house and being with them. And that makes it easier for us to have dates!

Have you been on an adults only trip?