I wrote on my 2015 Goals post that I wanted to get healthy. Well, last Friday started that journey for me. Friday evening we were driving around looking for something to do {and honestly, to get away from the constant circus that is our dogs for a bit} and on a whim I asked Nate if he wanted to go check out the YMCA. He quickly obliged. It's something we have always wanted to do, ya know, in the 8 years we have lived here, but just never have.
We went in, talked to the front desk and she offered us a tour. She was only 2 weeks into the job and every room was "We pretty much have everything you need in here" ha! But, we liked what we saw. And the child area was pretty great too, with an outdoor play area for warmer days. Then she told us about the January special of only $15 joiner fee {normally $95} and we couldn't sign up fast enough!
Coincidentally I also started my diet that day, not knowing we'd end up getting a YMCA membership.
We had plans all weekend and wasn't able to visit the gym. But, I did keep up with my diet all weekend, even at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo which was filled with lots of fried goodness! Come Monday we couldn't get there fast enough!
>>> G O A L S <<<
+ lose 40ish pounds
+ build muscle
+ build endurance
+ build strength
and maybe, just maybe a bikini body? Ha! Reaching there...
>>> D I E T <<<
+ no carbs
+ no diet sodas
+ lots and lots of water
>>> W O R K O U T <<<
This was my week.
+ Monday - 2.5 miles on the elliptical
+ Tuesday - 2.5 miles on the elliptical, started a squat challenge
+ Wednesday - 1.5 miles on the elliptical, squat challenge, kettlebell exercises
+Thursday - 1 mile on the elliptical, 2.54 miles on the bike, squat challenge. kettlebell exercises
The plan is to build up to at least an hour of cardio a day. I will start incorporating ab exercises and weights.
What's your workout like? Any songs you recommend for a playlist?