{Halloween Pajama Party Linkup}

Linking up for the annual Halloween Pajama Party again. You can see our last year's post here.

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If I am being honest, I kind of failed at the Halloween Pajama thing this year. I waited too late and every time I found a cute pair they were out of his size, or they would not be shipped in enough time to get enough wear out of them before Halloween. I did find a cute Monster pair though. They are small on him, so this will be our only year to get wear out of them. But that's okay.

He makes a cute little monster.

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We also checked another couple of things off of our 2015 Fall Bucketlist - find Halloween Pajamas and a Halloween Pajama Night!! I was going to make some festive foods for our evening, but Mason wanted to redeem his free pizza coupon for being a top reader in his class. Who am I to say no to pizza? haha. While we were eating our pizza Nana text me and told me to tell Mason that "I heard a noise outside". We opened the door to find a huge bucket of Halloween goodies. We got Boo'd. And Mason was ecstatic about it. He's been hoping to get boo'd this season and all his little wishes came true.

You've Been Boo'd

And it was perfect for our Halloween night! Nana is so thoughtful and cute and even included things for Nathan and I. It included all of our favorites. She knows us so well. Later we popped popcorn and then settled in to watch Hocus Pocus. It's our all time favorite Halloween movie!! We had such a good night. I couldn't stop thinking all night long about how much I loved that night.

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It was a perfect night!!

2015 Fall Bucketlist Update {those that have been done have been updated with the link to the post}:

+ make s'mores or the s'mores dip

+ make a fall wreath
+ decorate the porch
+ make fall crafts 
+ take Mason on a nature scavenger hunt
+ go geocaching around our town
+ buy pumpkins
+ decorate & carve pumpkins
+ have a Halloween movie night {most likely Hocus Pocus} with themed foods
+ find Mase Halloween pajamas
+ go to Mainstay Farms/Pumpkin patch
+ make a thankful jar with Mason
+ take Fall pictures
+ have a playdate with friends
+ go to the zoo
+ go camping in a tent
+ go to Round Top, TX for Texas Antiques weekend
+ stay in a cabin somewhere
+ follow a Fall photo project
+ go on a hayride
+ go to the Texas State Fair
+ visit the Farmer's Market
+ take Mason trick or treating

+ Boo a friend
+ roast marshmallows
+ bake Halloween cookies
+ buy a few 'fall' wardrobe staples
+ go to a football game
+ nacho bar for a football game watching night