We sure did! We had so much family time and it left my heart so full. We have been super blessed in the Thanksgiving department for a few years now. We get one whole day devoted to only 1 side of the family. Thursday is spent with Nate's family and Friday is spent with my family. Blessed. It wasn't always like this, though. I can remember the years of having to split Thanksgiving day into 4 different places. That makes the holiday so stressful! I am so thankful we don't have to do that anymore.
Thursday morning I woke up early to go with my Mother in Law to her mother's house to prepare for a Thanksgiving lunch. It was so much fun getting to spend time with two women that I adore so very much. We got there about an hour or an hour and a half before the rest of the family arrived. We had lunch with them, visited and then headed back towards our neck of the woods. We grabbed Diesel and went around the corner to spend the rest of the evening at Nathan's parents house. We had a Thanksgiving dinner, watched football and played games! Such fun times.

Friday we slept in a bit before heading over to my parents house for the day and evening. My mom had to work so my sister, my brother's girlfriend and I prepared Thanksgiving dinner. It was so much fun getting to spend the day in the kitchen with my girls! My mom got home around 5:00 and we ate supper around 6. After that we hung out and and watched a couple of good movies! It was a good, good night.
And looking back, I didn't take hardly any pictures. But, I am okay with that. I was too busy being present and enjoying my time with family and the ones I love dearly. The memories will forever be photographed in my heart!
How was your Thanksgiving?