{Guys Behind the Blog // May}

It's time for one of my most favorite link-ups that Betsy and Laura-Jean host, The Guys Behind the Blog. I love sending Nate the questions via email each month and then getting his answers. Sometimes I can totally predict what he will say, but other times I am surprised. I think I have a pretty good idea of how he would answer all of these....

May Questions

In preparation for the upcoming season, May’s questions are going to focus on everything summery. However, there is a little bit of a twist! Next month’s questions will be would-you-rather-style. Enjoy!

  1. Would you rather have to wear your swimsuit to work OR have to carry around a large beach umbrella open all day at work?

  2. Probably wear my swimsuit to work, but either way I would hear about it nonstop from the shop guys.

  3. Would you rather play on an MLB team OR get to tour with your favorite band all summer?

  4. Texas Rangers, without a doubt.
  5. Would you rather go to the beach and forget your towel OR go to the beach and forget your sunscreen?

  6. I could go without either one.

    *and he's not lying. He would never have a towel if I didn't pack one for him.

  7. Would you rather take a week-long vacation to anywhere in the world OR take a month-long vacation but have to stay within 100 miles of home?

  8. A month off work! Sign me up!

  9. Would you rather get to have as much ice cream as you want this summer, but only be able to get vanilla OR only get to have ice cream three times this summer, but you can have whatever flavors you want?

  10. I would be good with only eating chocolate 3 times this summer. 

And there you have it! Not a lot to his answers this time since it was a this or that type of thing. Did your guy join in this time?