{MTB // My Sweet Man // The Guys Behind the Blog announcement}

There is no doubt that Nate is a manly man. He loves all things outdoors; hunting, fishing, sports, hiking, etc. But, he especially loves fishing. He always has. However, our most recent vacation to New Orleans and Panama City Beach reminded him of his obsession love for fishing and he has logged many hours near the water since! Lucky for him we have a pond in our backyard. Mason and I love to join him occasionally. Nate fishes, Mason fishes with him sometimes or plays in the bamboo and I snap pictures of them both. Win, win for us all.

We also have a love for subscription boxes. I got the Birchbox for a couple of years and have now been getting the Ipsy for years. When Mason was a baby/toddler I ordered the Citrus Lane boxes for him. It's like Christmas once a month when said subscription comes in the mail. Well, we finally found a subscription box for Nate - Mystery Tackle Box. Perfect, right? We'd seen the advertisement pop-up on Facebook a few times and Nate would see it tagged in pictures on Instagram so we finally checked it out. There are two plans available - the regular for $15 a month or the Pro for $25 a month. We went with the Pro because you seem to get more for the money that way. Once you choose your plan you can then choose your species {bass, walleye, inshore saltwater}. When we signed up they were offering $10 off the first box, so we got our first Pro Box for only $15 bucks. They advertise that the box ships on the 10th of every month, but ours actually shipped on the 8th. Nate was so excited about that whole 2 days earlier deal! Nathan and Mason opened the box together. Mason was so excited {and so was Nate!}. Nate didn't love that I made him slow down for picture taking. ha

How did we do? Nate got $48.78 worth of stuff for $15 bucks. Even if we had paid the full price of the box {$25} the value of the items in the box was still over that. And he liked what he got, so I call it a win.

Nate's thoughts on the box:
I was super excited to open it and see what I would get.  I was hoping that I would get baits that I wouldn’t normally buy on my own to try and that was the case.  I received some really good crankbaits and spinnerbaits that I have been wanting to try but didn’t want to spend the money on.  Also I got plastic worms that I was not familiar with but like and will be using more as it starts to cool off. There was also some jig trailers that look like they will go great with a jig that I bought for fishing docks and heavy cover.  I have not had a chance to try everything out yet but I really like the looks of everything and look forward to opening the next one.
Can't wait to see what future boxes bring! And while we're talking about my sweet man today, I have another fun announcement. Seems like the time for announcements lately. On Tuesday I shared about our All Things Pumpkin Party link-up which will run every Tuesday in October. And I will have another fun announcement next week. But today, I want to talk about The Guys Behind the Blog.

As most of you know, Betsy from Heaven's to Betsy and Laura Jean from According to Laura Jean hosted a series on their blogs called The Guys Behind the Blog. It was one of my favorite link-ups and I loved getting to showcase my sweet hubby each month. Well, Betsy and Laura Jean decided to call it quits with the series because it no longer fit their season of life. Understandable, but I was still so bummed. I quickly found out that I wasn't the only one that was bummed about this. My sweet friend Liz reached out to Betsy and Laura Jean to see if they would be willing to let us carry on the link-up. They so kindly agreed! We are so thankful for them for 1.) creating the amazing link-up and 2.) letting us carry it on.

So, today I am excited to announce that Liz @ Chasin Mason, Evelina @ Fortunate House, Jamie @ Cocktails and Carseats, Jessica @ Secrets of a Stay at Home Mom, and I are continuing the series on!

Our first official link-up will be next month on October 27th. The questions for our first link-up are below.

October's Questions:
1.) What was your most favorite Halloween costume and why?
2.) Haunted Houses - love them or hate them?
3.) What is your favorite scary movie of all time?
4.) If you had to attend a mandatory dress up Halloween party this year what would you go as?
5.) Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

November's questions and date will be announced on our first link-up in October, Decembers in November and so on. We hope to see you back here on October 27th to link up with us and share all about the man in your life! Feel free to grab the button above for your posts.

And a great BIG thank you to Betsy and Laura for letting us continue on what they created! You can find the original series on Betsy's blog here and Laura's blog here.