{What We're Reading Wednesday // vol. 1}

Hall Around Texas What We're Reading Link-up

I am joining some sweet blog friends in a new monthly link-up in which we share what we're reading. I am always curious about what my friends are reading and always looking for suggestions. I hope you'll join us! There's a graphic below which lays out all of the link-up dates.

What We're Reading:

Let's be honest...he doesn't read! haha. But, he is reading "Manhood Restored" with the guys at church for Wednesday night bible study. He has enjoyed the study so far. The last several Wednesdays the guys did their bible study around a campfire at the church. Fun, right? And after study we all hang out around the fire and chat.

 From the back of the book...

Manhood restored combines theological depth with practical insights, putting you in step with a gospel-centered manhood that will enrich every facet of your life. 

He points men toward the One who came to restore man's brokenness to a place of wholeness. 

He got several new books for Christmas, so those are on our reading rotation right now. The books he got were .

When I saw Lindsay post about the Home Alone book I knew I had to get it for Mason! It's one of our favorite movies and we've watched it countless times. Mason asked for Silver Packages for Christmas. He read it at school and said that he loved it just as much as The Gift Giver {one of our all time favorites}. Santa delivered! Mason's Aunt got him the Navy's Night Before Christmas book at the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg. And the two Berenstain Bears Cub Scout books were a gift from Mason's Nana. Can I just tell you how much I love Berenstain Bears books? They have the best messages! And I love that they talk about God and include scriptures. So awesome!

I'm currently reading two books. The first one, "Dancing with My Father" by Sally Clarkson, is for bible study with the ladies at my church. It's a study about finding joy in all circumstances, even when overwhelmed. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the everyday mundane, the to-do lists, the household chores, the never feeling like you're enough, etc., but once you let go and take God's hand there is real joy to be experienced. We are on chapter 7 of this book and I can't wait to finish. I will definitely be re-reading this at some point.

The second book I am reading is "Grace Not Perfection" by Emily Ley. I just got this one in the mail a few days ago, but I am already having a hard time putting it down. Giving myself grace is not something that comes easy for me. And by that I mean that I rarely ever give myself grace. I can't wait to dive into this book more!

So tell me, what are you reading?


If you share on social media please use the hashtag #WWRW2017 so that we can see your posts!

Thank you for joining us for What We're Reading Wednesday! We look forward to sharing and discovering books with you! -- the WWRW Hosts #WWRW2017

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.