I found the Little Letters link-up by Kristin at Taz and Belly's blog back in December and I couldn't wait to start linking up. I had so much fun writing my Little Letter's post in January and February and now March! If you haven't checked out this link-up I highly suggest it. It's nice to take a break from all of the serious and to just write a fun post! Here are my letters for April...
Dear Jesus, thank you. May our weekend be focused on You and the ultimate sacrifice You paid for us.
Dear friends, I pray that you have an amazing Easter weekend.
Dear Mason, you were so adorable last night after watching the story of Jesus on tv. You hit your hand hard on the kitchen island and so sweetly said, "I'm not even going to say ouch or cry. I just saw what Jesus went through." Oh how I love you sweet boy!
Dear Little Letters link-up, I almost forgot about you. Not because I don't love you, I do. It's just been a weird week of foggy brain from not feeling well. Thankfully I had been jotting down notes and could still whip up this post.
Dear school year, really? Only 29.5 more days and my son is officially a 2nd grader? How in the world did that happen so fast? I mean, I'm not mad about summer...but dang.
Dear Mrs. Morgan, we love you and will miss you dearly. I wish I could talk you into moving up to 2nd grade, but I know how much you love first. So glad we'll at least still be at the same school.
Dear FISD, really? How in the world did having 5 schools at one location for an 'open house' sound like a good idea? It was a disaster and wasn't much of an open house at all. Parents and Grandparents want to see the place where their child/grandchild spends over 8 hours a day at...their desks...their classrooms...their lockers...their pretty face plastered to a bulletin board in the main hallway of the school for being top reader in all of first grade...that kind of stuff we can't see at the high school.
Dear back ache I've had all week, go away. The allergies are enough...I don't need you too.
Dear random guy that beat on my door for 15 minutes the other day, you scared the living daylights out of Mason and I. And you also taught us a good lesson of what to do/not to do in these types of situations. I'm more thankful now than ever that our house makes a complete circle. Everything ended up being okay. My brother in law knew the guy and he was here to pick up our damaged from the storms trampoline, but he failed to let us know that was happening.
Dear Perfectly Posh, I cannot wait to get my order in. Also, you have one heck of a marketer. Everything is packaged and named so cute that I want it all.
{link is to a sweet friend at church that is a Perfectly Posh consultant}
Dear Easter weekend, you are one of my favorite weekends of the year. I cannot wait to celebrate Easter with our family and church family!!