{The Kids Behind the Blog // May edition}

Time for the May edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. If you're new to the blog and not really sure what this link-up is all about you can read all about it here. Basically we provide you with 5-7 questions to ask your kid(s) each month. Then you blog about it and come back here to link-up. My co-hosts and I love to hear the things that kids say and that's why this link-up was born! I love the fun questions for this month. Here are Mason's answers for May's The Kids Behind the Blog...

Questions for May:
1.) If you had a magic treehouse that could take you anywhere in the world where would you go?

Mase: To California!!
Me: Why California?
Mase: I wanna go there.
Me: Think about other places you want to go to.
Mase: China
Me: China? Why China?
Mase: To See the Great Wall of China
Me: What about Disney World?
Mase: Uh huh

2.) Finish this sentence..."red rover, red rover..."

Let so and so come over.

3.) What is your best childhood memory?

Mase: Disney World
Me: What was the best thing you did at Disney World?
Mase: hmmmm
Me: What was your favorite ride?
Mase: thinking
Me: Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion
Mase: Yes!

4.) What is your favorite part about nature and being outside?

Mase: Uhhh
Me: What do you like to do outside?
Mase: Run, run and run.
Me: What else do you like to do outside?
Mase: thinking
Me: Swim, play in the water, ride your bike.
Mase: All of those!
Me: Go on the Kayak
Mase: Mmmhmm

5.) What do you think Mommy would like for Mother's Day?

Mase: A necklace. A bracelet........done.
Me: What else? What do you think I would want more than any of that?
Mase: Turquoise!!
Me: A hug and kiss from my sweet boy?
Mase: mmmhmm

Mama Notes - I think the videoing threw him off this time. He's usually a kid of many words. He seems so shy on this video! I wanted to take video of him because it's been a while. His voice is changing, his looks are changing and everything is different with missing teeth!

The Kids Behind the Blog - May from Crystal Hall on Vimeo.

Questions for June:
Do parents get a summer break?
If you could change your name what would you change it to?
How much do you grow in the summertime?Would you rather go to the beach or to Disney World?
What is your favorite kind of ice cream? Least favorite

If you're a planner like me, here are the remaining dates for 2017's The Kids Behind the Blog linkup:
June 14
July 12 | August 9 | September 13 | October 11 | November 8 | December 13



  1. Ooohhhh!!!! Mason must be quite the gift shopper. He knows his mama so very well. So sweet!

  2. Aw, he needed some prompts this time! Cute answers though.

  3. He is such a cutie! I gave up on trying to record my kids answering the questions. Lily just tries to perform and Liam smacks the camera! I'm so impressed that he knew what Red Rover was. None of my kids have ever played it!

  4. Great answers. So cute. I love his Great Wall of China answer.

  5. California and China! So diverse! Haha.

  6. Super impressed that he knew red rover, we used to play that so much when I was a kid! He's so cute.

  7. He cracks me up!! And he's one of the only ones who knew red rover!

  8. What a fun, fun, fun guy you have on your hands.

  9. Kids are just so funny with what they come up with! And yes oh my goodness videos are my lifeline! It captures moments better than any photo could. I wish I had more of me when I was a kid!

  10. I'm impressed Mason knew about Red Rover. It seems to be a thing of the past. HA ha! Love his answers as always. He's such a sweetie. Can't wait to hear what you get for Mother's Day!

  11. If you really DO visit California I would love to meet that sweet boy of yours!

  12. Your little man has great taste in gifts. Sounds like Mother's Day could be good 😁


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!