If you've been around this blog for a minute you know that we are a big time camping family. We love to camp, but especially in the fall. We used to camp at Jellystone Park, but after our last F I A S C O we will not be going back there again. We are happy to report that we have found a new place to camp for Halloween happenings. It's a place about an hour and 45 minutes from home in Perrin, TX called Mitchell Resort. We are so happy to have checked this off of our 2017 Fall Bucketlist...

I took off the whole day on Friday and we checked Mason out around 10:30 that day. We wanted to get a jump on the drive to avoid traffic and to begin decorating the campsite before it got dark. We got to Mitchell Resort sometime after 1:30ish. Right away we were impressed with how pretty the resort was! Everything was clean and it had a country feel to it. The only downside was that the campsites were not big enough for more than one camper and one vehicle, so we had to park the Jeep away from the campsite. Which was not a big deal at all. We worked on the campsite a bit and then everyone was starving! So we headed to a town about 15 miles away for some Mexican food! It was delicious. Then we hit up the dollar store and found more fun Halloween things. Then back to the campsites to decorate more.

Saturday morning we were up bright and early for the pumpkin decorating contest. Mason decided at 8:30 that morning that he for sure wanted to participate in the contest. So we were rushing to get ready, gut his pumpkin and get his contest number for the judging all before the 10:00 am start time. Whew! But, we did it. And Mason freakin' rocked that pumpkin decorating contest. It wasn't a winner compared to the judge's standard, but it was a complete winner in our books. Mason worked so hard to get his pumpkin carved. He had to cut a ginormous whole in the pumpkin and it was not easy. And with Mason's ADHD he tends to give up when things are too hard. But, he worked so hard and diligently on that pumpkin and made us all so dang proud.

Then we pretty much had the rest of the day free. We ran back to the dollar store to get some more lighting for the RV site decorating. We had until 5:00 pm to have the site decorating before the contest began. Then it was time for the Costume parade & contest. It was so neat to see all the costumes. There were some pretty extensive costumes. After the parade it was time for trick or treating! We only made 3 rows of campers and Mason made out like a bandit! And he was ready to get back to the campsite and help pass out candy!

After trick or treating we all went over to a big hall for a DJ dance party. They had free beer, wine and sodas for the campers. We stayed for maybe an hour and then headed back to the campers. We were pretty exhausted.

It was such a fun weekend and I am so glad we found a place to camp for Halloween!

❥ Buy pumpkins
❥ Decorate the house for fall
Camp at Mitchell Resort for their Halloween Happenings
❥ Boo some friends
❥ Make a fall wreath for the front door
❥ Join a fall photo challenge
❥ Order new Halloween books
❥ Complete our Thankful jar & tree
❥ Make slime
❥ Go to the fall fiesta at Mason's school
❥ Go on a nature walk / nature scavenger hunt
❥ Go to a football game
❥ Help with 5th quarter
❥ Have a Hocus Pocus movie night
❥ Invite friends over for a fire/marshmallow roasting
❥ Make fall crafts
❥ Take some fall family pictures
❥ Go on a hayride
❥ Visit the pumpkin patch
❥ Decorate the porch
❥ Pick out costumes
❥ Run through a cornmaze
❥ Visit Mainstay Farm
❥ Carve or decorate pumpkins
❥ Take a scenic fall drive
❥ Help with the church fish fry
❥ Visit the Texas State Fair
❥ Go to the Zoo & maybe Boo at the Zoo
❥ Take Mason Trunk or Treating
❥ Help with the church's trunk or treat
❥ Go to the Texas Country Reporter Festival
❥ Go camping
❥ Drink a PSL
❥ Go to Jefferson TX for the Haunted train ride
❥ Update fall wardrobe
❥ Watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
❥ Make a new fall themed shirt or two

What have you checked off your list?

For past Fall Bucketlists click H E R E

Meet the Hosts:

Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Crystal at Hall Around Texas | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram