{Little Letters // March}

Hall Around Texas Little Letters
M • A • R • C • H
Time for the Little Letters link-up with Kristin at Taz and Belly!! I'm a bit late, but that's the story of my life lately when it comes to blogging. This is one of my favorite monthly link-ups that I always look forward to. And actually, every month I love this link-up a little more. Writing these Little Letters lets me free up some random things floating around my head. To read my past Little Letters click H E R E. It feels so good to get these random little thoughts out of my mind each month! Here are my letters for this month...

Dear Jesus, I pray that You may be glorified in our season of waiting. Sanctify me and draw me closer to You. Help me to remember that it's not 'waiting' for you and that you are 'working'. May I fill the aching parts of my heart with prayer and faith in Your sovereignty. Amen.

Dear Spring Break week, oh how I love you so! Even though we weren't able to go out of town this year we have had such a good week! I love having my sweet boy home with me. We've had lazy (work) days with fun in the evenings (after work). We're fitting in as many little adventures as we can. And Friday will be a family fun day...which will seep into the rest of the weekend as well. We are looking forward to it. Mason wakes every morning with "one more day closer to Friday!"

Dear Hubby, the only thing that would have made this Spring Break better is if you were home with us. We miss you and can't wait until the weekend.

Dear Soccer, we've missed you! I love watching my boy play. Looks like he will be playing goalie again this season. So.much.fun.

Dear St Patty's Day/Pickle Parade, we are soooo looking forward to you! Nathan, Mason and I are joining the Jeep club in the parade. This years theme is Mardi Gras and we are decorating the Jeeps in that theme. I know, seems weird that the theme is Mardi Gras when it's a St Patty's Day parade. We asked and they said, "we don't hide crazy, we parade it down Main street!" hahaha! It's going to be so much fun.

Dear Brotherhood for the Fallen celebration, we are looking forward to you also. The Jeep club is going to this event to support our fallen this Friday night in Dallas. I love that our Jeep club supports so many wonderful events.

Dear new hair, who dis? Finally got these roots taken care of and lightened things up a bit. There's just something about a few do' that makes you feel oh so good!

Dear Stephanie, I can't tell you how happy your text made me yesterday! Love you, friend!!

Dear Mason, you are such a joy to be around and you make my mama heart so happy! Next week will be hard, giving you back to school.

Dear Friday, I can't wait for you! We're having a family fun day. Mase is excited. We are excited. Bring it on.

Dear Weekend, bring it on. Let's find some adventure, okay? Have a good one, friends!

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