This past weekend Nate was able to go with us for school drop off. He got extra lovins from Mason and Diesel. (Don't worry, we were stopped, ha!)
This past weekend Mason had early release from school on Friday. It was the end of a 9 weeks and the day before spring break. So, he got out at 12:30!! He was super excited.
This past weekend Mason talked me into making name decals for all of his Jeeps! That was a labor of love. Those small names are hard to weed! But, he's so cute! And I love that he loves Jeeps as much as we do.
This past weekend we went to Babe's for supper on Friday night. Nate and I skipped lunch that day and were starving by supper time. We grubbed on some amazing food.
This past weekend we went for a Jeep ride after supper. We drove to check out a new offroad park not too far from us. We can't wait until it's finished so we can really check it out.
This past weekend we caught an amazing sunset on the way to check out that offroad park! I can't get enough when it comes to sunrises and sunsets.
This past weekend we went to Academy for more soccer gear! Mason needed more socks for practices and we got him some pop up goals and goalie gloves. Looks like he will be playing goalie again this season. He's good with that and loves it.
This past weekend we went to hang out with our friends Friday night. The kids played their little hearts out.
This past weekend my cousin came over to do my hair! She's a licensed cosmetologist, but makes house calls for her family! I can't tell you what a blessing that is. I went a little blonder all over and cut off a few inches.
This past weekend we went to give the Jeep a bath. Everyone else had the same idea and we had to wait 15 or so minutes. I used the time to take pictures of my sweet boys!

This past weekend we drove to Dallas to go to Four Wheel Parts. They were supposed to be having a mega sale and we wanted to check out a few things. Only to get there and see absolutely zero things on sale. Bummer!
This past weekend my sweet boy got a haircut. We take him to Sports Clips and he loves it. He gets a haircut, shampoo, and massage every time. This time he had them style his hair into a mohawk. Nathan went back to tell the lady what Mason wanted and then we sat in the waiting room. Mason's good at conversation and well behaved in those environments, so we left him be. After his haircut, the barber told Nate that Mason was the most well-mannered kid she has ever had in her chair! Way to make these parents feel good!!!
This past weekend we went to a crawfish boil at a friend's house. It was a good time, even though I do not eat those nasty little things. He did make hamburgers and hotdogs for those that don't like crawfish.
This past weekend while at the crawfish boil I let Mason talk me into taking him down to the creek across the street and down the way with several others. I'm so glad I did. It was beautiful down there!
This past weekend we went to church and heard an amazing sermon. We were also blessed by our Sunday School class. I love that group of people so much!!
This past weekend we went to pick up our grocery order. All the praise hands for grocery pickup!
This past weekend we had lunch at Golden Chick. This has been our Sunday norm for a couple of months. Church, groceries and lunch at Golden Chick.
This past weekend Amazon delivered these two beautiful things. I am so excited about both!!
This past weekend we came home to a sick dog. Lexi had pooped everywhere and the house reeked! She obviously was not feeling good because she never potties in the house. After we got that all cleaned up and the house sanitzed, she puked everywhere. And not just a little bit. It was a fun afternoon, I tell ya.
This past weekend we went to Nate's parents to visit a bit. They are out of town this week and Mason has a job of taking care of their animals. We went to get all the details about that.
This past weekend we decided to drive down to the lake and to the downtown area to take some new pictures of the Jeep. The pictures were mostly for Instagram. If you're not following us there you should. We post all of our Jeepin' adventures to that page. We laughed that we used to have photoshoots with Mason and now we have them with our Jeep! The Jeep doesn't whine and complain and actually lets us take pictures! haha.
This past weekend we let Mason play on the train in the downtown area. He has to visit it and climb all over it each time we are in the area.
This past weekend was a good one!
How was yours?
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