{Deckin' the Halls and Trimmin' the Tree // 2019}

Our traditions were mixed up something fierce this year! Normally we go to the Christmas tree farm and get a real tree there, but that didn't happen this year. It was the day after Thanksgiving (the day we normally go to the farm) and it was rainy with a chance of it being that way all weekend. I didn't want to have to wait until the 2nd weekend in December to get a Christmas tree! And, we wanted a very specific tree this year. We have been swooning over flocked trees for quite some time. The Christmas tree farm does offer some flocked ones, but again, rain. So I threw out the idea to Nate and Mase about getting a fake flocked tree and they both liked the idea of that. So, I suited up and ran to town on black Friday to find a Christmas tree...

And would you believe I walked in the store, found & bought my tree and a couple of ornaments and was out of the store in less than 10 minutes? On black freakin' Friday! I couldn't believe it. I never have that kind of luck.

When I got home I had buyer's remorse in the name of tradition's sake.  A part of my heart was aching that I was throwing out a family tradition for a fake Christmas tree. It took me a few days to get over it and to fall in love with our new tree. Traditions are my jam and it rocks my world when we have to give up a family tradition. Especially a Christmas tradition! We are going to still try to make it out to the farm and maybe buy a tree for our porch if time allows.

I've already mentioned on the blog that our halls have been decked since before Thanksgiving, so we only had to trim our tree.

The tree is so gorgeous even without ornaments. I didn't even hang half of them this year. I love how the red pops against the flocked branches, so I mostly hung our ornaments rich in red. While I still miss having a real tree, I really do love how beautiful this one is.

Have you trimmed your tree or decked your halls?