{Valentine's Day 2020}

We had a pretty low-key Valentine's Day this year. I worked, Mason went to school, and Nate worked around the house during the day. We had to take the Jeep to Best Buy that morning to get a sound system put in (Happy Valentine's Day to me!!) so it was a waiting game all evening, waiting for it to be done.

We let Mason pick what we had for supper and he chose Wendy's (of all places!). But hey, it wasn't crowded at all which was nice! The Jeep was finally ready to pick up around 6:30 pm. Wahoo! The system was in and it looked and sounded so good. For non-Jeep owners, let me just tell you that the factory sound system is horrible. Especially when you have on a soft-top or no top at all. You basically can't hear anything. So, we upgraded our speakers in the tower, the ones in the dash, put in a new sub, got a 5-channel amp, and a new head unit. Now we are golden.

After we picked up the Jeep we took Nate's truck home and then took Mason to play at Urban Air for a bit. We quickly learned one thing we will not be doing - dropping Mason off at Urban Air on Friday nights like the rest of Ellis County! There were so many unsupervised kids running around everywhere. We were run into more times than I can count. I had no clue they let parents drop off kids there, but apparently, that is a thing. It was a crazy mad-house. After about an hour and a half of the craziness, we somehow talked Mason into leaving! Whew.

So, we had a family day for Valentine's Day and that's just the way I like it. These boys are my Valentine's every single day of the year and family time is what I live for.

Oh, and of course I had to dress up Lexi for the occasion.

How was your Valentine's Day?

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Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!