Monday, March 30th:
It was a typical Monday around here! It took a while for us to get motivated to do anything (schoolwork wise). But that's okay! It's okay to take breaks and to tackle it when you're 100% focused and ready! Giving Mason some major grace, because I get it and I need it too! This week started a "virtual spirit week" for our district. Each day is a different theme and just something fun for the kids to do while e-learning. Monday was 'wear a green shirt and take a picture of you with your favorite pet or stuffed animal. The only green shirt Mason had was a Jeep themed St Patrick's Day! O' worked!
We cooked supper at home and just hung out. Like every other day! :)
Tuesday, March 31st:
We got a pretty late start to school work but still knocked it out in an hour and a half. We worked on a fun art project that afternoon!
Here is what we did:
1.) draw a design on a piece of white paper using a black sharpie
2.) put a ziplock bag or plastic wrap on a tray and color the entire thing with regular markers
3.) lightly spray the plastic bag or wrap using a water bottle
4.) press the drawing face down onto the plastic bag or wrap. Lightly pat the entire sheet down to make sure its covered. (We missed a few spots)
5.) remove the paper and put on another tray to dry
Such a fun and easy project!
That evening, we had supper on the porch for the first time this year. Nathan put some music on his phone and we just enjoyed the beautiful weather. After supper, Nate and Mason had a Nerf Gun war!
And then this crazy kid thought it was warm enough to play with the water hose on the trampoline. Spoiler wasn't warm enough! He lasted about 3 minutes before he was ready for a hot bath!
Wednesday, April 1st:
After we finished our school work we decided to have a "brain break" outside! Mason had some dig/excavation kits that we wanted to play with. It was the perfect afternoon activity!
And of course, the dogs had to be right there with us. I think they are loving having their boy home every day!!
That evening God painted the most incredible sky!
Thursday, April 2nd:
After we finished our core subjects for the day we started working on "specials". Specials at our school are library, music, art, etc. We tackled 4 or so projects that evening and got a bit ahead!
That evening we played in the backyard. Mason usually jumps on the trampoline while we play with the dogs. We'll play fetch with Lexi and Diesel just mainly hangs out. Well, he went after Lexi's bone and was so proud of himself. He pranced around for over 10 minutes and didn't drop that bone once. It's pretty heavy for him, too! But, he couldn't take the chance of Lexi getting the bone back! We cracked up.
Friday, April 3rd:
Nathan worked overtime on Friday. He had somethings he needed to get done with another department in order to clean up his shop. While at work he learned that his company is gifting $500 to each employee that has come in during this quarantine. His company is so awesome!! Mason and I conquered school and work for the day. I somehow didn't take a single picture on Friday! Nathan and I had started Ozark and binge watched that for the evening!
Saturday, April 4th:
My mama's birthday! I was so heartbroken that I wasn't able to see her on her birthday. Tis the times. womp womp. Nathan and I made pancakes and sausage for brunch and continued to binge Ozark. We got a text that afternoon from some of our friends (that own a cattle company) saying they had fresh beef! We ordered some ground beef from them last time and it was the best! This time they had steaks and other cuts of meet available. So, we put in our order and went to pick it up a bit later.
It was cold and rainy that evening so we made soup and grilled cheeses for supper. And continued to binge Ozark.
Sunday, April 5th:
I had intended on waking up at 9 to watch our church online, but after staying up until 2 am that night before, it didn't happen. I caught the 11:15 service instead. Of course, it was just amazing. That afternoon we went to surprise Nate's Grandmother at her assisted living. We couldn't go in because they are under strict quarantine, but we could see her through her window. When Mason and I talked to her last week she mentioned she missed seeing faces so we wanted to get in some facetime. Even if through a window. It made her so happy!! We enjoyed our visit with her so much.
And that wraps up week 3 of our quarantine!
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