When Nate and I first moved to Hachie one of our favorite things to do was check out all the local spots around town. Oma's quickly became one of our favorite breakfast/lunch spots and we have been going ever since! Nate and I were able to go for a little lunch date today.
Day five on this cruise was a day at sea. Nate had to take Mason for a covid test. While he did that, I went to a debarkation show. It was pretty informative since the debarkation was a lot different than the Disney cruise! Then we went out to the lido deck where Nate and Mason did the ropes course!
On day four, we had another day at port. This time it was in Progresso/Yucatan, Mexico. We were excited since this was a place in Mexico that we had never been to before. We weren't sure what to expect, but we were thrilled to explore! We got off the ship as soon as we were able to and found our meeting spot for our excursion. For this one, we chose an all-inclusive luxury resort called the Reef.
Day three on our cruise was a day at port in Cozumel, Mexico! We had an excursion booked for this day, so we went straight to check-in for that excursion! This was our first time getting off at port on a Carnival cruise, so we weren't 100% sure what to do. Our tickets had a number on it, so we just looked for that sign with that number. It wasn't too bad!
{Day 2 on the Carnival Breeze!! // A DAY AT SEA}
On day 2 of our cruise, we literally stayed in the hot tub most of the day! We happened to find them by accident! We were on the lido deck looking over and saw some hot tubs on the 5th floor! So we went and changed and messaged the rest of the family to meet us there! We met so many awesome people in the hot tub!
{Come Sail Away // Day 1 on the Carnival Breeze!!}
Back in December, we had a huge family cruise planned for the whole Hall family. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, we were not all able to go. We wanted a do-over with at least some more of the Hall clan...so we planned a Carnival Cruise together! We had never cruised with Carnival before, so we went with an open mind. Especially just coming off a Disney cruise 7 short months prior! However, we were pleasantly surprised by Carnival. More on that later. Here's a look at our first day on the Carnival Breeze!
{4th of July at the Lake}
On July 3rd, we were invited out to my aunt's lakehouse to hang out. We had the best time hanging out with the family, playing games, swimming, and watching the sunset & fireworks! Even though it wasn't actually the 4th, there were still a ton of fireworks. I didn't get many photos of the day/night, but the memories will be held in my heart for a long time.
{Willow Jade}
I just wanted to give an update about our precious Willow Jade! She is the sweetest little thing and we all adore her so. She's curious, vocal, and so spunky!! We all have heard her on many occasions meowing "mom". It's mostly when we are in our room going to sleep or in the mornings. She comes to our door and yells "mom" over and over! It's the wildest thing - but all three of us have heard it, many times!! I need to try to capture it on video sometime.
We joined our local Jeep club, Ellis County Jeeps, in the 4th of July parade in Midlothian. We met at our staging area and started decorating the Jeeps. It was so hot and humid, but we made the best of it. We got to see a lot of our Jeep friends as well as other friends that were in the parade also. It was such a fun time!
Nathan and I took off on Friday to have a family day with Mason! We took him to the Lego store, had lunch, and went to the Stranger Things pop-up at the Grapevine Mills Mall. When looking at the pop-up online, it appeared that you had to have tickets ahead of time. So, we got our tickets for a time-slot in the afternoon.