Showing posts with label 19 months. Show all posts

{Bull Riding}

After the rodeo we all went out for Mexican food...
and they had a fun little contraption in the parking lot calling out Mason's name!!

And a video:

And then Nate's turn without Mason:

{Ft Worth Stock Show and Rodeo}

On Saturday, January 21st we went to the Ft Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. This is kind of a big deal in our family.
You can read about it here.
This year we had a group of 15 plus 2 babies!
Mason loved getting to look at all of the animals and was mesmorized at the actual rodeo itself.
Although, he crashed about 20 minutes into the rodeo. 
He was so sleepy!
Don't worry, though - he woke up just in time for the motorcycle trick riding and the Bull riding of course.

{Rhinoceros! Rhinoceros}

Mason's favorite animal right now is none other than a
He flips out when he sees one and repeats "Rhinoceros" a gazillion times! He even wakes talking about them! 
It's so darn cute.

{just another sign...}

...that my sweet boy is growing up!
His Mimi and Papa got him a Toy Story table and chair set for Christmas
and he absolutely loves it!!!
He will not sit at in his highchair anymore...has to eat at his own table.
:: sigh ::
So, the table pretty much resides in my living room.
When he's not eating on it...he's playing cars on it!

Sometimes he sits in the chairs
and sometimes he stands!

{Hide Mommy, Hide Daddy}

We got Mason a tent for Christmas
and it's one of his favorite things right now.
He loves to eat his after school snacks in it and watch Chuggington.

And he loves for Mommy or Daddy to get in with him and 
I think we may need to look for a slightly larger tent soon!!

{Big boy undies}

I was shopping at Target the other day and found a pack of boys undies on Mason's I bought them.
I thought it'd be good to have some on hand for when he's ready to potty train. And on sale, heck yeah! day I had the urge to put them on him.
For pictures, of course.
Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute.

I didn't even cry.
It's weird the things that make me cry and the things that don't.
I totally would have expected this to make me cry.
Because only BIG boys wear undies.
But I couldn't get over how cute he looked.
It just made me smile!!