Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

{Nathan's Birthday // 2020}

 Nathan's birthday is just five very short days after Christmas. Usually, we are out of town either camping or up in the mountains playing in the snow. However, this year, we are heading to the mountains a few weeks later than normal. Nathan actually worked a full day of OT on his birthday. His company gets Christmas shut-down for a couple weeks around Christmas, but they are invited to work if wanted/needed. Nate was invited to work some of the shut-down. Triple time? Yes, please! 

{Nathan's new truck!!}

 We finally broke down and bought Nate a new truck. He's been needing one for quite a while, but we wanted to take our time and do our research on what we truly wanted. We knew that we needed something that would be able to tow our Jeeps, was a diesel, was roomy and comfortable for travelling. We finally settled on the 2020 Ram 2500. 

{Nashville Nights and Memphis Mornings}

My Grandparents live only a couple of hours from Nashville so Nate, Mason, and I made the trek over for an evening! I've been to Nashville many times, but Nate and Mase had never been. I'm so glad we made the drive over because we had the most amazing time!! 

(Thanksgiving 2020 // Part 2 // Tennessee}

 Part two of our Thanksgiving was spent in Tennessee visiting my dad's side of the family! My Grandparents (dad's parents) live in a tiny town in the northwestern corner of Tennessee. It's a little over a 9-hour drive for us, but certainly not a bad drive. When my siblings and I were younger we used to go a couple times a year to visit, but now that we all have families of our own it's harder to get up there that often. Before last week, it had been 5 years since we've been to TN. That's way too long if you ask me! 

{Thanksgiving 2020 // Part 1}

 Let me preface this by saying our Thanksgiving this year was just amazing!!! We got to spend time with both my mom's side and my dad's side of the family. It's been YEARS since that has happened. The core of my mom's side of the family is here local, but my dad's side is pretty spread out across the globe! While we were missing several, we did enjoy the time we got to spend with those that were able to make it! We just missed Thanksgiving with the Hall side. We missed them terribly! It's so hard to be with everyone during the holidays. 

Our first Thanksgiving was spent with my mom's side of the family on Sunday, November 22nd. We all gathered at my aunt's house for a fabulous feast and amazing fellowship! My dad gathered everyone for a family photo...

{Currently // December 2020}

 It's that time...time for the Currently link-up with Anne in Residence. I've failed at keeping up with the blog once again, but tis' is life at the moment! This month we are sharing what we are currently baking, decorating, gifting, hoping, sending. 

{Homeschool // 2020}

 Long before Covid hit, we had decided to homeschool Mason for the 2020/2021 school year. It's something we have talked about and prayed about for years and we felt that it was a good time to do so. To be honest, Mason was being held back in his current district. He knew the content and thus was getting very bored in class. Because he was bored, he would start talking and land himself in trouble every day (or so it seemed). Also, there were some changes happening in his district for the next school year, and that helped make our decision even that much easier! 


 After we walked around Telluride for a bit, we headed to Imogene Pass. This trailhead begins in Telluride and ends in Ouray, CO. It was really neat getting to this's literally right behind a neighborhood in Telluride. As you're climbing up the trail you can see the whole town of Telluride below and if you look across you can see the switchbacks on Black Bear Pass. It was crazy to see a different perspective on the trail we just conquered!! 

{Naming the Good Stuff // Quarantine 2020}

Recently I was thinking about the quarantine and reflecting on all of the good that has come from this. While its a scary time and the future is unknown, there really have been many blessings come from this slower-paced lifestyle. I started writing those blessings down and wanted to share them here.

{One Second Everyday // January, February, and March 2020}

I have been using the One Second Everyday app for quite some time and love the little memories captured in those videos. I've been meaning to share them on here but always forget to do so. This is our family scrapbook and I know I will love to look back on these one day. Having it all here on the blog makes that so much easier.

{Our Quarantined Life // Week 4}

It's hard to believe we just wrapped up week 4 of this quarantine! Some days feel really long while others just fly right by. One half of me loves all of the quality time we are spending at home, but the adventurer in my soul misses the trips, Jeep events, etc. It's such a weird thing. Mason and I are in a pretty good groove as far as school goes. Some days we start early and knock it out early and some days we start way later. That's the beauty of E-learning...we do it when it's best for Mason and I. Sometimes I can tell that he needs a little more time before we start, and that's okay. Also, if my workload is heavier in the morning we will get a later start. But, we have been knocking it out just fine. They are working on a points system to turn back in for rewards when (if) they go back to school. Mason has been in the lead for his class since the points started! So proud of him for taking this transition in stride and excelling! Home school life is the life for us.