Showing posts with label 27 months. Show all posts

{He said what?!? V5}

Another round of things Mason says...

8/1 -  

Me - Mason, Mommy's belly hurts

Mase - let me see

{I show him}

Mase - uh huh, it's hurt

Umm, thanks??! Lol


8/4 - While playing in his sandbox I asked him to say cheese for the camera...he says,

"No ma'am, I am trying to clean"


8/5 - Mason decided he was going to start calling me "Honey"

{pretending} "I'm going to the store, okay Honey?"
"I'm driving my tractor, Honey"


8/8 - while driving home from school

Mase - "I want to go on vacation"
Me - "Me too baby, me too"
Mase - "Go Mommy, Go!"

{5 minutes later}

Mase -"I want to go to the zoo and ride the animals. Do you want to ride Mommy?"
Me - "Sure baby" 
Mase - "You can't, you're too big"



Previous posts here

{My SONshine}

You are my SONshine
My only SONshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

 So please don't take 
my SONshine


{I need to be Superman, Mama}

One Sunday morning Mason ran into the laundry room with his little mask and says, "I need my cape, Mama. I need to be Superman". Let me tell ya, those words are pure gold to every picture-lovin'-Mama's ears! I ran to his bedroom and back to the kitchen for my camera {opposite sides of the house} in like 3 seconds and we were out the door!

{Update on Potty Training}

We have been working on potty training Mason lately. He does fairly well at school, but not so much at home. He has absolutely no interest in going potty at home. We've tried getting him his own little potty, using the toddler potty ring on our potty, and even just letting him use the big potty. He's not a big fan of any of them. He's only gone potty at home maybe 4 times total. We haven't been too strict with it, though. His pediatrician says to let it be his idea and when he's ready. So, I'm not that worried about it. My goal is to have him potty trained before he's three. I think we can do that :) ha!

But, a couple weekends ago I let him wear big boy undies. He was excited and did really well for maybe 2 hours and then he wet in them. He had just finished drinking a huge thing of juice and as I was saying, "Okay you just drank a lot let's go potty" he was already making a puddle on the floor! Thank God we don't have carpet!!


Since I originally wrote this he is doing much better. He asks to go when we're at home now. He's gone #2 in the potty at school 2 times now!!!! 

{Dis My Sweet Sweet Boy}

Mama, dis my happy face

Dis my sad face

Dis my sleepy face

Dis my mean face

 Dis my very very happy face

Dis my e'cited face
