Showing posts with label 28 months. Show all posts

{Jesus is coming Mommy, Jesus is coming}

So, this happened a while ago, but I wanted to get it on the blog. 
Mason goes to a Christian Academy and back in September they participated in the "See You at the Pole" {global day of prayer}. Well, one of the teachers at the school led the prayer and ended the prayer with "in Jesus name". 
Fast forward to the next week...we were in the cafeteria one morning and Mason points down the hall and proclaims, "Jesus is coming Mommy, Jesus is coming." 
You can imagine what happens next. Silence among all the adults as they all turn to look down the hall to see what Mason is talking about. And at the other end of the hall we see the above said teacher, and that's it. I asked him what he was talking about and he says, "Her Mommy, she's Jesus."
We were all a little baffled; to say the least.

I was thinking about it nonstop for a few days and then finally it dawned on me!! I asked a few of the teachers if she led the prayer at the See You at the Pole. Sure enough, she did. And I guess all his little ears heard were "" and he thought she was saying her name was Jesus.

{Two and a Half Years Old}

Okay, so I am a little behind on this. I wanted to have Mason's exact measurements before I posted this...but here we are a month later and I still haven't gotten exacts! 

Mason turned 2.5 years old on November 25th. 

Two and a half years old!!! How is that even possible my sweet boy?? But you know what? Sometimes it feels like he has been a part of our family forever. And other times I cannot fathom that it's been 2 and a half years since I first met this amazing little boy!

He will still tell you that he's four though. Sometimes it's three and sometimes its five, but never two!


Weigh 34ish lbs {Daddy weighed himself and then you with him}
Approx 36/36.5 inches tall

Size 3t bottoms
Size 3/4t shirts - depends on the brand
Size 8 shoes

Size 6 diapers/pull ups

Eating - still don't care much about food. You'd rather drink than eat. We have to make you eat on most occasions. You love bananas, yogurt, grilled cheese, funyuns and of course milk. You'd drink milk 24/7 if we'd let you.
Sleeping - still sleeping great at night. On week nights you're usually in bed by 7:30-8:00 and asleep by 8:00. Weekends you're up a little later. Bed time is pretty much ridiculous! You talk and talk and tell story after story to avoid going to sleep. You have always been able to fight sleep like a pro! You still nap well at school {a little over 2 hours a day}, but weekends are hit and miss. Most times you are too busy for a nap. Sometimes it's good because you will go to bed early and stay on schedule...but some times not good because you'll throw fits from being tired!
Talking - there's not much you don't say! You're a talker. For sure. You tell us that you love to talk, but you really don't have to. It's obvious! ha. I do love being able to communicate with you, though. You also ask a lot of questions about everything under the sun! We get complimented often about how well and clear you talk! 

Potty Training - not going as well as I'd like...but I guess when you're ready it will happen. Before the Christmas break you were doing really great at school. You've never done as well at home as you do at school, though. I think it's a number of reasons. You go at school because all the other kids are going, it's a different room, etc. At home you know that mommy will just change your diaper, you're too busy to tell us, and our bathroom just isn't as fun. I think I may introduce a sticker chart or something at home. 

Imagination - here lately your imagination has gone through the roof! Your dad and I just look at each other and grin! It's amazing some of the things that you come up with. I just love it. It's neat to hear all of the different scenarios you come up with when driving your trucks/tractors. 

Learning - you can now count to 20.  You catch us off guard all the time with things you know and have learned. At your recent Christmas program we learned that you know the Pledge of Allegiance, most of the Christmas Pledge and the Pledge to the Bible. Made this Mama so proud!! At Random times you will blurt out with something like "Mama, a spider has 8 legs." Every day is something different. 

Mason, my sweet love, you are crazy hilarious and stubborn as a mule! You are constantly cracking us up with the things you say or the faces you make. And boy do you love to make faces!! You are also very smart. Your brain is seriously like a little sponge and even when we think you aren't paying attention, you are! Mommy and Daddy surely have to watch what we say these days!!

You still love tractors, monster trucks and jeeps. In fact, riding your Power Wheel jeep all around the yard is your absolute favorite. And you drive it really well; even over hills and through mud puddles. And when it comes to are ALL boy! You're so funny, though, if there is a touch of water anywhere around you have to put on your rain boots. 

Mason, you still have a very compassionate heart and a sweet, sweet soul. You make Mama look up to you and want to be more like you. Your heart really is as big as they come. Daddy and I love to see things through your eyes!

 Masonbug, you are growing up entirely too fast. Please slow down baby! Stay little forever!! 

I love you to the moon and back sweet boy!!



{Wordless Wednesday}

Update - just realized that I posted a WW on a Thursday! Oops! O'well...leaving it!

{Our 2nd trip to the Pumpkin Patch}

A few Saturdays ago Nate was working so I asked Mason what he wanted to do. Of course he said The Pumpkin Patch. So we called my sister and her and my nephew joined us!

It was a lot more crowded than the first time we went. But, it was still enjoyable. The boys had a great time. Plus, it was another opportunity to get some pictures of Mason.

Out of all the pumpkins that is the one he chose...a yellow gourd!


{Mason's School Pictures}

Mason's School Pictures - Two's Class

We got Mason's school pictures back this morning and I am in love!
We missed school pictures last year because of a hospital trip {post here}. So, I was a little excited for Mason's first school pictures this year!!
This picture - 
was showing through the window on the packet and it made me start balling. He looks so a Kindergartener.

I'm so in love with this little boy!!

{these are pictures of pictures}