Showing posts with label 2nd Grade. Show all posts

{Mason's 2nd grade field trip}

A couple of weeks ago I got to take off work and go along with Mason and his 2nd-grade field trip. We went to a place called Yesterland Farms in Canton. They have rides, gem mining, a petting zoo, a park, tractor/train rides, etc.

{Our first win // Basketball}

Mason's basketball team got their first win of the season last weekend! 15-2!!!! And man, it was an exciting game. That's one of the highest scoring games I have seen so far this year. Ever since that first basketball game Mason has done well. He practices well and he is there for the games. We didn't think he had a competitive bone in his body...UNTIL this game! That boy came out of his shell and surprised all of us. He was all over that ball and we couldn't have been more excited. He said he had a blast and is pretty much obsessed with all things basketball right now! Oh what a joy it is to be his mama.

{Our Newest Adventure // Basketball}

Way back in the middle of 2017 Mason told us he would like to play Basketball. He plays often in the gym at our church on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings before Sunday school. So, we waited until the next time we could sign him up and did so. We went with the league in the town where he goes to school and church. That way he could play with and against all of his friends. We thought he would enjoy it more knowing kids on his team. He was lucky enough to get on a team with several of his best friends!!

{Five on Friday // DIY Pajamas, Shirts, Ornaments, Polar Express & Grinch, Thanksgiving at Mason's school, Jeep}

Happy finally Friday! It seems like the week before a holiday always drags out! Mason is out all next week for Thanksgiving and I couldn't be more excited! I have to work, but I still get to spend a lot of time with him. He really needs this break from school. He's getting burned out and bored. So I pray this break is refreshing for him and that he goes back ready to learn. Anyhow, here's a little five on Friday...

{First day of 2nd Grade}

Despite my best efforts to make summer last forever, that came to an end yesterday. Mason started his first day of his 2nd grade year. Nathan took off the entire day so that he could go with me to take Mason as well as pick him up. And so that I wouldn't be alone the first day Mason goes back! I love that man.

{Meet the Teacher // 2nd Grade}

Last Thursday Mason's entourage - Nana, Papa, Uncle T-Ty, Nate and I {aka, best support system ever} headed to Mason's school for Meet the Teacher night. No matter how many times we do this whole 'meet the teacher' gig, I will never get used to it. I end up a ball of nerves and in tears every single time. I can't help it! Time goes by so fast and I can't believe how much my boy is growing. Sometimes by the minute. And I just pray that Mason's teachers are a good fit for him. This boy is so special to me and my prayer is that they see in Mason what I see in him. Underneath the talking 24/7 he's an amazing little guy with a heart as big as Texas. He loves to learn, but hate's paperwork. Anyhow, meet the Teacher 2017 went great and we left feeling good and ready for the year!