Showing posts with label 42 months. Show all posts

{Christmas 2013}

It's hard to believe Christmas is already over!!! It comes and goes all too quick. I started taking my Christmas stuff down on Monday and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me sad! We had such a great Christmas & December, I don't want to let it go!! We crafted, read many books, shared the story of Jesus with Mason and had incredible family time. Also, Christmas was a lot less stressful this year because we didn't have to divide a day between 4+ different places. It worked out really well.

 We had a lot of family time on Christmas Eve; just us three. Nathan and Mason ran errands that morning so that I could wrap some of Mason's gifts. Then I remembered I didn't buy cookie materials or carrots for Santa and his reindeer. So, I jetted off to Target. I was expecting the absolute worst at Target, but it wasn't bad at all. I was able to get everything I needed.

When I got home Mason and I made the cookies for Santa. We had fun and made a mess, too!

Then Nate got a wild hair to make Apple Pie Moonshine. We're not big drinkers, but Nate saw this recipe on FB and has been wanting to make it ever since. So, we did. It's really pretty and will probably just sit in the jar...but it was fun to make!

Around 5ish we drove around the block to Nate's parents house for our annual snack and hang out night! We wore our pajamas and snacked on a Chick-Fil-A Nugget and fruit tray, cheese ball and cracks, veggies, chips and dips, sugar cookies, etc. Mason's Nana and Papa let him open one gift and he was so excited. They got him the Little People Nativity Set. Mason has loved the Nativity and story of Jesus throughout this Christmas. It was perfect.

Boys will be boys! Even on Christmas Eve!!

Holding baby Jesus

Mason and Nana

We headed home before 9 so that we could let Mason watch his last Santa video and get to bed. He fell asleep really quick!! I was surprised with how excited he was. 

 I had to wake Mason up at 9:30 am so that he could see what Santa brought!! I couldn't wait any longer. Plus, Nate's family was waiting for us too!  

Me - Mason wake up and come see what Santa brought you

{he pops up}

Mason - Santa come'd? Right now? Today?

Me - Yes baby! 

Mason - Yay, I wanna go see...

The traditional bow on the boys photos....Mason was saying random things for the boys to say instead of cheese and it was in some foreign language. The boys couldn't stop laughing!

 That evening we headed to my parents house to have Christmas over there. My brother's boys were sick so they didn't come. It was only Mason and Tanner. He hung out, ate yummy fajitas and opened gifts. 

Videos I made with Flipagram...


And the one and only picture we got as a family because Mason couldn't be bothered long enough.......

Oy Vey!

There's always next year, right?

How was your Christmas?

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{Christmas cheer and Merry Christmas Eve}

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

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{Hall Family Winter Pictures}

The Monday after we got the ice storm Nathan and Mason stayed home with me. At lunch time we ran to downtown Waxahachie to snap some Family Christmas pictures. It was probably one of the coldest and windiest days we've had...but it was a small window that we could all go. Nate's brother was out of school and was able to snap these so that I didn't have to use the tripod and remote! 

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