Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

{Mason's 13th birthday}

Mason is THIRTEEN!!! We officially have a teenager and it feels so strange to say that. I know every parent says this and it's incredibly cliche, but I am not sure where all the time went. It has flown by in a flash. If I wasn't already, I am now hyper-aware of these fleeting moments!!  I can't even think about that right now. 

Happy Birthday my sweetest boy!!

{Mason's Special Visitor // Victor E Green}

 Mason's grandparents pulled off the ultimate birthday surprise for him...

{Meat Therapy // Nate's birthday // 2021}

 For Nate's 40th birthday this year, he went to a Meat Therapy session. Nathan's younger brother, Ty planned this event months in advance and it was the coolest idea ever! Nate, his brother, and his dad all went and had a blast.

{Mason's 11th birthday party}

 For the 2nd year in a row, we had a joint birthday party for Mason and his cousin Jaxon. Their birthdays are within a couple weeks of each other, so it's just easier to get the family together for one party. They both opted for another swim party at my parent's house. 

{New Mexico trip // by the Numbers}

We just got back from a dreamy vacation in Red River, New Mexico! Nate's parents planned a trip for my birthday and it was the best time!! I love to recap a trip by numbers, so that's what this post is dedicated to. I think it's such a fun way to look back on a trip! Maybe I'm just a numbers person?!

{Mason's 10th birthday party}

We haven't had a birthday party for Mason for the last couple of years. We couldn't seem to fit one in between the end of school and our travel schedule. This year we made it happen! My parents recently got a nice above ground pool and Mason wanted to have his birthday party there. Our nephew's birthday was June 11th so we just combined both boys' celebration together! We were inviting mostly family anyhow. It worked out great!


Mason's TENTH (gasp!) birthday was the Monday we got back from our Fredericksburg camping trip. It was also Memorial Day! I'm so glad that we were able to come home from camping a day early and wake up in our own beds for his birthday morning! Otherwise, we would have been driving for almost 4 hours on his birthday.

{Mason, TX // Annual Memorial Day weekend trip}

Memorial Day weekend was our annual trip to the good ole Texas hill country for camping at Mason TX. Or, "The Garrison Family Reunion" as the signs said when we pulled up. I love it! One of my favorite weekends with some of my favorite people.

{Mason's 8th birthday}

Back in May, we celebrated Mason's EIGHTH birthday! I'm not sure how we got to eight so fast. It seems like it happens overnight, doesn't it? Excuse me while I go cry in a corner somewhere. But really, Mason is such a fun kid. Difficult to the core, but fun nonetheless. He always keeps us on our toes, makes us laugh with his witty sense of humor, and loves like no other. We are so blessed to call him ours!

{Happy SIXTH birthday Mason}

My dear Mason Lane,

Happy, happy birthday my sweet boy! I can't believe that today we are celebrating you turning SIX years old. I mean, I feel like we've been celebrating all month long since we had your birthday party so early, and then birthday lunch this past weekend. And believe me, you deserve to be celebrated for a month straight!! But today is your actual birthday and today you are six years old. It goes without saying, but I can't believe how fast those six years flew by. I mentioned the other day that you were no longer the little toddler at the park on the swings begging to be pushed, but now the big kid on the monkey bars and it is so, so true. This was a big year of growth for you, sweet boy.

Six years ago I met you for the very first time and knew that my heart and my soul would never been the same. You wrecked me in big and beautiful ways and showed me what true unconditional love was.  Being a parent is awesome, but being your parent is the most amazing gift from God! You are the sweetest little boy with the most tender soul. You love and you love hard. Making people smile is what you love to do and you throw out compliments and manners like confetti. Your joy is infectious and I can't help but smile every time I look at you. And most times I am left in tears thanking God for you. I'm not sure what we ever did to deserve you, but I will be forever thankful.

You are also a smart little boy and wise beyond your years. Kindergarten was a big year for you and you excelled beyond belief. All year you have managed to stay quite a bit above the curve as far as where you should be at that point. I've mentioned before, but you are reading at a level of 14 {maybe higher by now} and testing as a 2nd grader in the month of October! You amaze us. I jokingly asked you the other day, "what are we going to do when you're smarter than Mommy and Daddy?" - you just laughed. Then I said, "and how will we ever help you with homework if you're smarter than us?" to which you replied, "I won't need any help!" ha. I hope you're right about that because it's been ages since your Daddy or I have had to do algebra! You learn fast and retain knowledge like a little sponge. We can tell you something one time and you remember it forever. Sometimes it's hard for you to shut that brain off, though. You tend to ask the most complex questions at bedtime.

You have been thriving in so many areas lately and amazing us everyday! First was the great news about your schooling and that you're going to be tested for the gifted and talented program, you've been on green almost the whole entire month and only have 1 red day, then you mastered the monkey bars (both of your little palms are so calloused), learned to tie your shoes (we've always put you in shoes without laces for school), and now you are riding your bicycle with no training wheels! So proud of you, sweet boy!

Oh my sweet have a heart for Jesus and love learning about him! You love going to church and you love your "Jesus" songs (as you call them!). It makes my heart burst to see you on fire for Jesus!  I pray that you always follow Jesus and live for Him.

My sweet Mason. I love you! I love you something fierce and I thank God every single day for bringing you into my life. You are the joy in my heart and my favorite little guy. Every minute I get to spend with you is a true gift from God and a moment I will treasure always. You are are a treasure. Your sweet little heart and your tender soul teach me things every single day. Our hearts are so strongly connected and we love hard.

Happy SIXTH birthday to the one that made me a mama. I love you with all of my heart and soul sweet boy.

At SIX here are a few of your favorite things...

Favorite color? Red
Favorite food? Macaroni & chicken nuggets
Favorite snack? Yogurt
Favorite toy? Bike & Green Machine
Favorite TV show? Lab Rats
Favorite movie? Batman vs Superman
Favorite animal? Diesel (dog)
Favorite drink? Big Blue & Big Red
Favorite song? Soul on Fire by Third Day, Feel It by Toby Mac, Alone by Hollyn
Who is your best friend? Tanner & Gavin
Favorite place to go? Disney World
What do you want to be when you grow up? A bike rider and a policeman

{Weekend Wrap-up // Birthday lunch}

Happy Monday!

We had a really great weekend and I am sad to see it go. It was the perfect mix of resting and playing. Friday was all about resting and being lazy since Nathan and I were both still not feeling 100%. Nathan actually ran fever on Friday. We grabbed a late supper and just relaxed at home.

Saturday was a day of celebrating our sweet boy! Nate's parents wanted to take him to lunch since his birthday falls on Wednesday this week. Mason loves Babe's so we took him to the one that my cousin works at. Her location is close to Nate's Grandma so we were able to pick her up as well. It was a really nice time. Mason got to wear a funky chicken hat and beak and flap around like a chicken while the waitresses sang happy birthday to him. He was precious!

This Babe's location is in an old {but revived} part of downtown Arlington right next to a still operating Opry-style theater. It's so neat! Another part I love about this location is the turquoise Babes bus they have parked out front! Mason and I went to check it out and take some pictures!!!


I need a turquoise bus in my life!

After lunch we went back to Nate's parents for Mason to open gifts. He was totally spoiled with a Batman mask that converts your voice to Batman's, a Batman action figure set, Batman gloves, a Batman towel, a Batman book, a Batman pocket knife, swim trunks and a rash guard, and an outfit. I think there was more, but that is what I remember.


So much fun!!

That evening we ate supper and went to Academy to get Mason some new tennis shoes. Then back home to get ready for church the next day.

Sunday was church and my brother in law joined us! It was so nice to introduce him to our church family and to have him in service. After church we came home and ate lunch and then Nate was off to mow. Mason hopped in his little truck and went to his Nana's saying, "bye mom, see you later, I love you". I got a little glimpse of my future and I don't think I liked it. I just pray that when he's 16 and hopping in his truck to leave that it's to go to his Nana's still. One can pray.

While the boys were gone I played on snapchat cleaned the inside of the house and did laundry for a couple of hours.

But, then I started missing my boy and walked over to get him, He held my hand as he drove back on his little truck and melted me. Just before he took off to play with the neighbor girl. sigh. {you can see the whole thing on my snapchat story!} They drove their little power wheels, played on scooters and watched the crop-duster fly over our house.


Then Nate, Mason and I loaded up and went fishing {more on this later}. We had such a great time.

How was your weekend? I hope it was a beautiful one!

{Heroes Unite! // Mason's 6th Birthday Party}

Mason is at the age now where he picks out his own birthday party theme {tears!}. This year he chose "Batman" for his theme. Then a couple of weeks later we went to see Batman vs. Superman and Mason loved it. One day I was scrolling through digital birthday invitations on Etsy and Mason saw this one and said, "that's it, Mama. That's the one!" It was definitely one of the cooler looking invitations to choose from.

So, our Batman party became a Heroes Unite party {with more of a Batman emphasis}. We went pretty easy on the decorating due to the location of the party. But, I still love the way it came out. We had the party at a local church which has an indoor play-place area that is perfect for entertaining the kids. The party was 2 hours long and was one of the less stressful birthday parties I have ever planned. Mason celebrated with his closest friends, family and even our pastor and his sweet family.

The cupcakes were made by a co-worker of Mason's Nana. She has made all of Mason's cakes, cupcakes or cookies for the last 4 or so years and does a fabulous job. I found the superhero rings on Amazon and used those as the cupcake toppers. The superhero masks were from Party City and I placed one in front of each chair. I also ordered the centerpieces and cupcake stand from Amazon. Everything else was free printables from Pinterest!
It was a great party and Mason said it was one of the best days!!



Little boys are just superheroes in disguise.
- Art Moms

I made a slideshow of Mason's special day. I love having these to look back on throughout the years.

Superheroes Unite! Mason's 6th Birthday Party from Crystal Hall on Vimeo.