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{2014 Spring Blast Ball}

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We are deep into our Spring season of Blast Ball and it's going really good! We have a good team {5 returning players and 2 new players}. The boys are getting better about listening and playing the game. 

It's a battle every Saturday morning getting Mason ready and in uniform. He'd rather just play at home outside...until he gets to the game. Then he has fun and actually does well. And I love to watch him.

Games are still only 20 minutes {at the very longest} and it's just enough time for these 2/3 & 4 year olds. And if I may brag a bit? We're one of the better looking teams out far as knowing what we're doing. Last week the other team literally laid down in the field while we were batting! haha! 

Only three games to go.

Are your littles playing any sports this season?

{Blast Ball pictures with a silly face}

I posted this on Instagram...but wanted to get it here too! 

This past Saturday was one of those 'choose your battles' kind of days. Mason didn't want to get dressed much less go to his Blast Ball game. And, he had pictures before. I was trying everything to get him ready. Finally I remembered his silly glasses and cape!!! Bingo! I told him that he should wear that over his Blast Ball uniform and that his friends wouldn't know who he was! He was all over that!!! 

On the way to the fields I told him that he couldn't wear them in his pictures and he was okay with it. However, we get there all of the photographers and workers from the photography placed LOVED it! They were laughing and commenting on how awesome it was. It made Mason only want to wear it even more! 

It came time for pictures and I was about to take Mason's cape off when the owner of the photography place stopped me. He said, "Can we please take pictures of him like this before you take it off?" Oh my goodness! hahaha

And they did...and he ate it up! Such a ham.

This will be a picture day we never forget!!

{Fall Ball 2013 - that's a wrap!}

Saturday, October 21st was our last Fall Blast Ball game.  The boys all did so great. I loved our team this year and loved that we had some returning players. I hope we can keep everyone together (for the most part) throughout the years. We have some 3 year olds and some 4 year olds so some will move up before others. Here in Waxahachie Blast Ball is ages 3-5 and Tball is 5+.

This season they gave out medals instead of trophies. Mason was okay with that even though he was expecting a trophy all season. The boys got so excited when Nate handed out the medals.

What a difference 1 season makes. Mason spent more of the time in the stands last season and more time on the field this season! We do not make Blast Ball something Mason has to do. We want it to be something he wants to do. He is three. And we know if we push it then he may just turn away from it all together. He seemed to enjoy it much more this time! That makes this little baseball lovin' Mama's heart so happy!!

The below pictures are of Nate, Mason, Easton and Erik. Nathan and Erik played high school baseball together and now their boys are playing together! Easton and Mason are exactly 1 week apart in age and they get along so great!!

That's a wrap!

Now what do we do until Spring???

Image Map

{First Fall 13 Blastball game}

Mason telling us he's #1 {jersey #}

This past Saturday {9/7} was our first Fall Blast Ball game. It went so well. Mason stayed on the field the entire time and hit the ball great! We were so proud of him! He yelled out a couple of "Hi Moms" from the field, but didn't run off after me. And when Nana and Papa got there I just knew it was over! Last season he wanted to be in the stands more than on the field. That's where the party was! Ha. But he just yelled out a "Hi Nana" and kept playing!! Big boy!

What a difference a season makes!

All of the boys did well and we have a really good solid team. We had 3 returning players and 3 new ones. That makes {3} three year olds and {3} four year olds. 

And of course, Mason's little best friend is on the team again. I love watching these boys grow up together.

Looking forward to a great season!

Go Iron Pigs.

Are your littles playing any Fall sports?

{That one time Mason played Blastball}

Oh my goodness!! I was looking at pictures on my Picasaweb albums and realized that I've never blogged about Blast Ball!!

Yes, Blast Ball was back in the Spring. Yes, I am extremely late.

But, better late than never. Right? Right!

What is Blast Ball?

It's for toddlers - a step before T-ball. Games are only 20 minutes long and they only run to 1st base. When they step on 1st base it honks. Oh, and they don't keep score. Every kid gets to bat during an inning and then they switch. We normally got 2 innings in during one game.

Mason went into it really excited {and so cute in his little uniform}. But, it was hard to keep his attention - even with only a 20 minute game. But, most of them were that way. Mason was technically the youngest player on the team until the end of the season. They want the players to be three, but they let Mason play at 2 years old. Mason would play for like 5 minutes and then run to the stands. That's where the party was and where he wanted to be. Finally, it took his Nana going out on the field with him for him to stay out there the entire game! Whatever works!!

We had such a great team. Nate and his friend Tyler coached the team....but all of the dads helped. Nate went to the first coaches meeting and came back with the Roster (that the league put together) and we knew most of the kids/families! During a 'game' each kid had at least one parent/adult out there with them. Our first game we went out there looking like chickens with their heads cut off...but from the next game on we were the most put together and best team in the league! Our boys were so good!!!

Mason picked #1 for his jersey and to this day when he sees the #1 anywhere he says "Look, that's number 1 just like me."

We decided to skip Summer ball for many reasons and will start back up this Fall. Can't wait!!

Warning - lots of pictures ahead!!


{Run and hide your crazy...}

Nathan's dad tells us a story of Nate's mom back when Nate was goes a little something like this.

Nate's playing coach pitch, his dad is coaching and his mom is in the stands. 
The other team's coach is pitching to his team and a ball is hit up the middle...Nate runs to make a play on it and runs into the coach.  
Nate's Mom is at the fence yellin' "Get out of his way". 
The coach yells back, "I'm doing the best I can lady!" 
Then the Umpire tells Nate's dad..."Coach, you need to quiet down your parents!" 
Nate's dad laughs and says, "Ump, she's not just a parent. That's my wife! You try to keep her quiet!!"

So going to be me, only x10.
 I mean, we are mixing two of my favorite things in the world; baseball and my son.
Two things of which bring out a competitive nature in me.

Run and hide your crazy...

It's just BlastBall. Save the crazy for Tball. 



Go Iron Pigs!!!


PS - Saturday is our first game...if this wetness would hurry and dry.


{Blast Ball}

Some pretty exciting stuff going on in these parts!! Nathan has a coaches meeting for Blast Ball tonight!!!!
We really weren't expecting to play this Spring because Mason doesn't turn three {yikes} until May. Well, our friends son turns three a month before Mason and they asked the director about Mason playing. The director said, "Close enough...tell em' to sign up."
And? Nathan gets to be a coach along with a good friend of ours! 
We are so excited. BUT, nervous too!! We really want Mason to enjoy playing baseball. Nathan and I are baseball fanatics and pray that Mason loves it too.
If not? That's okay too! Our hearts will heal....some day. ha!!
Can't wait to share more once practices and games begin. Mason was a baseball player in Halloween of 2011 and I just about died of his cuteness in a baseball uniform!!!
October 2011