The rules of accepting this award are 1.) thank the blogger that nominated you, 2.) link back to their blog in your post, 3.) share 7 facts about yourself, and 4.) nominate up to 15 other bloggers.

I am a worry wart. Always have been and afraid I always will be. I worry to the point of anxiety.
I despise seafood. I've tried a couple of things and can sometimes stomach fried shrimp with lots of ketchup, or fried coconut shrimp with a sweet sauce {and lots of it}. But that's about it. I can't even get past the smell of fish or any other seafood for that matter.
I am completely in love and obsessed with my boys. Not in an unhealthy way. Just that I love them and love being around them. They are my people. They are my favorites. If you invite me out to a girls night on a weekend I will more than likely {and kindly} decline because that takes away from our family time.
I put yellow under my eyes to get out the purple and use purple shampoo in my hair to get out the yellow. Oh the irony.
I have a weird addiction/obsession with office supplies, planners, stationary, etc.
I have somewhat of a gypsy soul in that I love to travel and go and do. I love to go camping or on weekend road trips. To get out there and explore. It makes my heart happy.
I cheated and asked Mason to come up #7. I asked him what he would say if someone asked him to tell them about his mom. He said he would say:
"She's nice. She loves me and she always takes care of me."
There you have it. 7 very random things about me.
I nominate:
Beth @ Our Pretty Little Girls
Liz @ Chasin' Mason
Amy @ Keepin' Up With The Smiths
Desiree @ Macke Monologues
Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side
Nina @ The Joni Journey
Sara @ Crazy Cozads
Sara @ Running From The Law
Meghan @ The Adventure Starts Here