Wednesday, the day of Mason's actual birthday my sister, nephew and I took Mason to the Fort Worth Zoo. We had such a wonderful time. Mason had slept a full 12 1/2 hours the night before so he was well rested and ready to go. Mason was really quite the first 30 or so minutes of the Zoo trip. I could tell his teeth were bothering him pretty bad so I gave him some tylenol. Once it kicked in he was ready to party! You could see a difference and how much better he was feeling.
Start of our Zoo trip - the Flamingos. Or birds as Mason says.
We saw lots of "birds" pretty soon on so that made Mason really happy! He's all about birds and bugs these days!!
The TEXAS part of the Zoo is my favorite. So many cute photo opps to keep in mind for when Mason is a little older!
Sure do love these big blue eyes!
Sweet baby boy was so tired! I am not sure we even made it out of the Zoo parking lot before he was out!
Such a fun time!!!