Showing posts with label FIRST BIRTHDAY. Show all posts

{Birthday Party}

On Saturday, May 28th we had Mason's birthday party for family and friends at Getzendaner Park in Waxahachie. It was a success, but very hot. Nate and I were too busy working to take many pictures. We got a few, though. 

Mason had a great time visiting with everyone and opening his gifts. This boy has quite the Tractor collection now, that's for sure.

{First Birthday Cont...Rainforest Cafe}

{Catching Up!! Sorry I've gotten so behind!!}

The Sunday after Mason's birthday we went to the Rainforest Cafe. We thought he'd love it there. The host asked if it was okay to sit us by the Gorilla and naturally we said Yes! Oh boy!!!!!!!! We didn't know the ginormous Gorilla went off every 3 minutes making all kinds of noise and shaking his whole body. Mason was terrified. It was surprising because Mason's not scared of much! He just about jumped out of his high chair and into our arms! It was so sad, but I'm not gonna lie - it was nice knowing my baby boy needed his Momma!! When the Gorilla wasn't going nuts we would take Mason over and let him touch it. When he realized it was a "toy" and not going to hurt him then he got comfortable with it. Well, in the best way he could. He never turned his back to the Monkey. :) He loved the other parts of the Rainforest Cafe because there were birds everywhere. That boy loves birds! 

We had a really great time. After dinner we took him to Build-A-Bear. We went with the intentions of making the Longhorn so that it would go with his Farm themed room. But he picked out a Puppy instead. The boy knows what he wants! It's really cute and Mason loves it. 

Before the Gorilla went off:

And after:

And away from the Gorilla!:

{Birthday Evening}

After our Zoo trip we hung out and waited on Daddy to get home so that we could celebrate with him. Mason loves to hang out on the front porch, so that's what we did. 

Mason received a few gifts in the mail and Daddy brought home some from work; so we hung out at home and let Mase open them. Then we wen to Nate's parents house for special bday celebration. Nana bought Mason a birthday cake and used the topper that his Daddy had when he was ONE. She saved it all these years for an occasion like this one! WOW

Mason wasn't too impressed by the cake. He had more fun stepping on it than eating it. After his bath he wanted to cruise around naked. So we let him. He's the birthday boy after all!!

Happy FIRST Birthday my love!!!

{Mason's Birthday trip to the Zoo}

Wednesday, the day of Mason's actual birthday my sister, nephew and I took Mason to the Fort Worth Zoo. We had such a wonderful time. Mason had slept a full 12 1/2 hours the night before so he was well rested and ready to go. Mason was really quite the first 30 or so minutes of the Zoo trip. I could tell his teeth were bothering him pretty bad so I gave him some tylenol. Once it kicked in he was ready to party! You could see a difference and how much better he was feeling. 

Start of our Zoo trip - the Flamingos. Or birds as Mason says.

We saw lots of "birds" pretty soon on so that made Mason really happy! He's all about birds and bugs these days!!

The TEXAS part of the Zoo is my favorite. So many cute photo opps to keep in mind for when Mason is a little older! 

Sure do love these big blue eyes!

Sweet baby boy was so tired! I am not sure we even made it out of the Zoo parking lot before he was out!

Such a fun time!!!

{Birthday Boy}

I'm sure this will be the first of many birthday posts!! BUT Mason went to sleep at 8:15 last night, slept all night without waking up and is still snoozing!! Turning ONE must be tiring!

Once he wakes up we will get ready for the ZOO!!!