Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts


For the last two months, I have shared some goals here on the blog. I think I will keep this up in the new year.  Here's a look at both what I accomplished/didn't as well as new goals for the month of January. 

{November 2022 // Goals}

I thought I'd try something different on the blog and list some goals for the month of November. Something to help keep me accountable and to see if I can accomplish what I set my mind to.  Of course, I will give myself some grace on the things I don't accomplish - because who needs that kind of stress? 

{January 2017 Goals}

If I am being honest, I completely failed at monthly goals in 2016. Not because I couldn't crush the goals, I just didn't. The only excuse I have is life happened. But, it's a new year so I am going to give it another go. I mean, I love a good to-do list and this is basically a to-do list that I have a month to accomplish. Should be easy enough. We'll see. Today I am sharing some goals I have for January 2017.

{Quarterly Goals // Q1 // 2016}

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I'm going to try again with the goals thing for 2016. But, since I know that I usually fail at monthly goals I am going to follow Whitney's lead and try quarterly goals instead. We are always so busy and always on the go, so I need to give myself more time {and grace} to achieve these goals.  My sweet friend Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls so kindly let me borrow her goals format. 

Blog //
*Be more consistent with blogging - maybe 3-5 posts week. 
*Blog about things closer to when they happen...not weeks or months later.
*Use less iPhone pics and more from my big camera.
*Use Pinterest better as a tool for my blog.
*Start the January part of my year in review for 2016.
*Reply to comments and emails quicker.

Family //
*More family Movie Nights.
*Celebrate my birthday!
*Cook more meals for my family and less fast food.
*Go on family bike rides.

Home // 
*Start a few home DIY projects that have been on our 'to-do list'.
*Deep clean and de-clutter.
*Make my kitchen more user-friendly & organized. We don't have a pantry so a lot of our cabinets have to be used for food. 

Fitness // 
*Get back into a healthy gym routine.
*Make myself get up from my desk every so often and movvveee.
*Drink more water and less diet soda.

Spiritual //
*Keep up with my bible studies daily.
*Go to church more consistently.
*Be more obedient to God.

Random // 
*Take more videos.
*Organize photos better.
*Make a video/slideshow from our annual rodeo trip and any other events we attend throughout the quarter

{July goals update // August Goals}

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  • blog 4-5x a week >> was more like 3x a week
  • answer emails/comments quicker >> yes!!
  • comment on more blogs >> yes!! found a lot of new blogs this month and making new connections/friendships.
  • drink more water and less diet soda >> fail. water is so boring. will try again next month!
  • exercise 4-6x a week >> another fail. ugh. summer is killing us. ready to get back on routine.
  • do a squat challenge >> I started it and did it for a couple of weeks and stopped. 
  • zumba at least 2x a week >> fail. 
  • be more intentional in my time with my boys >> yes! 
  • teach Mason how to tie shoes >> fail
  • get a library membership and take Mason a couple times a week >> yes! We are loving our library membership.
  • start a new bible study >> yes! Downloaded the First 5 app {amazing} and still using She Reads Truth app
  • spend quiet time outside in the word in the mornings before the day starts >> fail. waiting for it to cool off so that I can do this.
  • read bible stories to Mason >> Yes! Ordered the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids. Loving it so far.
  • take more pics with big camera, less iPhone >> Yes!
  • clean out Mason's room >> fail. this will be a huge undertaking. will probably tackle this when mason starts school. 
  • take items to the donation box in town >> fail. this one is dependent on the task above.
  • read at least 2 books >> yes! started my 3rd already.
  • send snail mail to friends >> fail.
  • sign Mason up for Lego or Superhero camp >> fail. i didn't have a peace about sending him somewhere i knew nothing about. 

As you can see I failed miserably in the health/fitness department. We got so off track when all of our traveling started. We've been going 90 to nothing and haven't set aside time to exercise. And the eating...ugh...that hasn't been good either! I'm declaring August as a 'healthier' month.

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  • blog 3x a week 
  • set-up passionfruit ads
  • answer comments/emails quicker
  • blog more about local places
  • drink more water and less diet soda
  • exercise 3-5x a week
  • do a squat challenge
  • get back into my classes at the ymca
  • soak up these last summer days before school starts
  • teach Mason how to tie shoes
  • less electronics in the evening, more time together
  • have more patience with Mason, less yelling
  • keep up with my bible study
  • continue to read bible stories to Mason
  • start a prayer journal
  • take 5 year old/start of Kindergarten photos of Mason
  • clean out Mason's room
  • take items to the donation box in town
  • read at least 2 books
  • send snail mail to friends
  • clean and organize my office
  • start Christmas shopping

What are your goals for the month of August?

{July Goals}

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  • blog 4-5x a week
  • answer emails/comments quicker
  • comment on more blogs
  • drink more water and less diet soda
  • exercise 4-6x a week
  • do a squat challenge
  • zumba at least 2x a week
  • be more intentional in my time with my boys
  • teach Mason how to tie shoes
  • get a library membership and take Mason a couple times a week
  • start a new bible study
  • spend quiet time outside in the word in the mornings before the day starts
  • read bible stories to Mason
  • take more pics with big camera, less iPhone
  • clean out Mason's room
  • take items to the donation box in town
  • read at least 2 books
  • send snail mail to friends
  • sign Mason up for Lego or Superhero camp
PS - I got the wonderful goal template above from the sweet Beth over at Our Pretty Little Girls

What are your goals for the month of July?

{Goals // Getting healthy}

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I wrote on my 2015 Goals post that I wanted to get healthy. Well, last Friday started that journey for me. Friday evening we were driving around looking for something to do {and honestly, to get away from the constant circus that is our dogs for a bit} and on a whim I asked Nate if he wanted to go check out the YMCA. He quickly obliged. It's something we have always wanted to do, ya know, in the 8 years we have lived here, but just never have.

We went in, talked to the front desk and she offered us a tour. She was only 2 weeks into the job and every room was "We pretty much have everything you need in here" ha! But, we liked what we saw. And the child area was pretty great too, with an outdoor play area for warmer days. Then she told us about the January special of only $15 joiner fee {normally $95} and we couldn't sign up fast enough!  

Coincidentally I also started my diet that day, not knowing we'd end up getting a YMCA membership.

We had plans all weekend and wasn't able to visit the gym. But, I did keep up with my diet all weekend, even at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo which was filled with lots of fried goodness! Come Monday we couldn't get there fast enough! 

>>> G O A L S <<<

+ lose 40ish pounds
+ build muscle
+ build endurance
+ build strength

and maybe, just maybe a bikini body? Ha! Reaching there...

>>> D I E T <<<

+ no carbs
+ no diet sodas
+ lots and lots of water

>>> W O R K O U T <<<

This was my week. 

+ Monday - 2.5 miles on the elliptical
+ Tuesday - 2.5 miles on the elliptical, started a squat challenge 
+ Wednesday - 1.5 miles on the elliptical, squat challenge, kettlebell exercises
+Thursday - 1 mile on the elliptical, 2.54 miles on the bike, squat challenge. kettlebell exercises

The plan is to build up to at least an hour of cardio a day. I will start incorporating ab exercises and weights.   

What's your workout like? Any songs you recommend for a playlist?

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{2015 // Goals // Looking forward to}

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>>> GOALS <<<

+ get healthy
+ take more pictures & videos {not with my iPhone}
+ get into a good church-going/Sunday routine
+ start bible studies with Mason
+ shop for Christmas throughout the year instead of the month of
+ go on more dates with the husband
+ pay off more debt
+ save more money
+ find a new doctor closer to home
+ get organized
+ clean out clutter
+ be more present
+ blog more 
+ get books or pictures printed
+ go on nightly walks with the dogs {when weather is nice}
+ read the Word every day
+ some minor home diys/updates 

{I'm sure this list will grow}

>>> TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2015 <<<

+ my birthday
+ the fort worth ss and rodeo {Nate's 33rd, my 19th, Mason's 5th time to go}
+ our 9 year wedding anniversary & 19th dating anniversary
+ Mason's Pre-K graduation
+ Mason starting Kindergarten
+ my best friend's wedding
+ t-ball
+ Mason turns FIVE {this one is bittersweet}

++ Maybe a baby?

Also...I am still praying about my "ONE LITTLE WORD" for 2015. Do you have one? Share, I'd love to read about it.

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{ far and goals}

Quite honestly, 2013 has more downs than ups! It's only bound to get better and for that I can't wait. So many of my family members have been sick, I have an Uncle in ICU, I've had a Sinus infection/ear ache and getting back into the swing of things after 10 days of relaxation and bliss have been completely awful.
Mason only went to school 1 day last week and it wasn't that bad. But this week? It's been heck!! He cries and throws fits in the mornings, doesn't want to get dressed and doesn't want to go to school. We've both shed many tears these past two days. To say it's been hard is a complete understatement. Yesterday he cried when we pulled up to school and didn't want to go in. I finally got him in and he was okay. We went to his classroom to put all of his things in his cubbie and he was still good. We started walking down the hall and he cries, "I don't want to be here. I don't like my school." Talk about breaking this Mama's heart. We get to the cafeteria and were saying our goodbyes, again he cried really bad when I left school. I hate leaving when he is crying...but had to leave in order to get to work on time.
I left work and got to Mason's school as soon as I could only to find out Mason had a wonderful day. He was so happy!! He played and made all kinds of things. He told me he loves his school and that he was a big boy and that he was happy. That made me feel so much better!! He promised me that we'd have a better morning the next day. 
Fast forward to this morning. Did that happen? No. Worse. He was plum rotten. He didn't want to get out of bed, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to leave the house. I can't blame him. I didn't either...but we have to.  It took forever and a lot of tears to get him to leave. He cried again at school.
I feel so defeated and beat down! 
I hope this is a short season and that Mason gets back into the swing of things quick. These days are too hard! 
Moving on...
2013 lets say we have a restart, m'kay?

13 goals for 2013:

1.) Take a family vacation, just us three
2.) Get Mason potty trained {heaven help me}
3.) Make more Mommy/Daddy time 
4.) Be more gentle in my words of discipline when Mase is being rotten
5.) Go to church regularly
6.) Spend more time at home/cook more
7.) Find something Mason will eat and eat well
8.) Eat healthier/exercise more - possibly start running
9.) Have family pictures done
10.) Learn Photoshop better
11.) Take more pictures of our every day lives and video too
12.) Spend some time with Amanda
13.) Be a better person all the way around