Showing posts with label Month in numbers. Show all posts

{February in Numbers // 2019}

Those blogging breaks...never intentional, but always refreshing. Life just took off and happened and the blog got put on the back burner. But, that's the beauty of this space, I can post when I want. I do miss reading all of my favorite blogs, though. I will be playing major catch-up on those. For today, here's a post for February in Numbers...

{January // Our month in numbers}

I will echo everyone else and say that January always feels forever long! Every time I'd go to file something on my work computer I would seriously say to myself "how is it still January?" And I saw a meme the other day that said something to the effect of "we are now in the third month of January" and it made me laugh. Feels so true! Anyhow, here's a look at our January by numbers:

{Our month in numbers // January}

Last year I documented many of our months by numbers and enjoyed doing so! It's a neat way to take a look back on the previous month. I am going to continue that trend this year. Here is a look at our month in numbers...

{Month in numbers & One Sentence a Day // July}

I've never really considered myself a numbers kind of person, but man do I love tracking our months in numbers! It's a fun way to look at all the things you did throughout the month. Here is a look at our July in numbers...we were on vacation for the first 7 days of the month.

{Month in numbers & One Sentence a Day // June}

I am super late posting about our June in Numbers {and everything else, thanks Photobucket!}, but better late than never, right? It has been a while since I have wrote a month in numbers post. While there is room for improvement, I did a decent job of documenting things this month. Here is a look at our month of June {2017} in numbers as well as one sentence a day for the month...

{Spring Break // By the Numbers}

I was horrible at keeping up with the month of March by numbers. Awful. But, I did great at tracking our spring break trip by numbers! Go figure! Here's a look at our spring break trip to the Texas Hill Country by numbers.

{Our Month in Numbers // January}

Where did January go? Seriously! While I know we did more throughout the month it feels like it was the Youth Winter Retreat, my birthday, the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and then boom February. And now we are already 9 days into the new month. Time needs to slow down. Anyhow, here's a look at our January in numbers.

{October in Numbers}


Number of pictures I posted to Instagram this month. 

Number of pictures in my October folder on my computer. These are pictures taken with my Nikon only and does not include the pictures taken on my phone. I can only imagine it's going to go up from here with the holidays coming. 

Number of Sundays that Nathan, Mason and I served at our church in October. On the 16th we had a water leak in one of the buildings and had to shut off all water to the campus. And because of that we had to cancel church services that day. And then we were out of town on the 23rd.

Number of miles we hiked at a Cub Scouts Event. Four vigorous miles. Up and down huge hills. It was tough! And there's nothing like a bunch of 6, 7, and 8 years olds showing you up and proving how out of shape you might be! 

Big ol' mistake made by Nate. Mason was off school and Nate was off work. Nathan took Mason to run some errands and they came back with a drum set. A freakin' drum set. Really?? haha! He is cute with them, though.

Weeks that Mason went without touching an iPad. I had noticed that he was coming home from school and watching Netflix or YouTube for hours and I didn't like it. So I made a deal with Mason that if he gave up the iPad I would do things with him. We did all kinds of crafts, built Legos, played outside, etc. It went so incredibly well. And after 5 weeks we started letting him have 1 hour of iPad time.

Number of lizards Mason caught this month. This boy has no fear when it comes to creepy crawling things. It makes my skin crawl. He kept one for a few days as a pet. He told me that one day at school he had to help a teacher rescue some crickets to the outside of the school. No one else would get near them, but he didn't mind. Eeek...all boy!

Number of rides I took in a haunted elevator at a haunted hotel in town {The Rogers Hotel}. My brother in law and Nate wanted to check out the cigar shop at the bottom of the hotel so we went around 8:30-9:00 one night. One of the workers was telling us about the elevator and how it starts going by itself sometimes. We decided to take a ride in it. So creepy! And then we walked around the hotel and it was just eeery. I had a nightmare that night!

Number of pumpkin patches we visited in October. The first was Country Critter's Farm and the 2nd was Mainstay Farm {which I still haven't blogged about}. We had so much fun at both, but I would say more so at Mainstay Farm. There's just more to do there and we had the whole family with us.

1 / 6 / 1 / 2:00
One concert attended with 4 other ladies from my church! We saw Lauren Daigle at the Bomb Factory in Dallas. It was such an amazing night of worship. After the concert we spent some time in Deep Ellum. 6 delicious pies were split among the 5 of us. One is the number of tattoos that happened that night. 2:00 am was the time I got home. GREAT night! And worth every bit of staying up about 4 hours past my bed time.

Days of First Grade under our belts and 50 days of perfect attendance for Mason and one cute little dude dressed in 50s attire. He got an award at his school's award assembly for perfect attendance.

Number of days Mason had good behavior at school with no marks on folder.

Number of days Mason had a mark on his folder...all for talking. Go figure!

Number of apples Mason shot out of a cannon.

Number of paintballs Mason shot at zombies at Jellystone Park.

Number of books we bought at Mason's school Scholastic Book Fair.

 The time that I woke up one morning. We were out of the house by 7:30 and at the school by 7:45 only to find out that school doesn't start until 7:55. We made it in plenty of time! For some reason my sound on my iPhone doesn't want to work sometimes. The alarm goes off, but there is no sound. It's happened 2 more times since this one. Ugh! 

The approximate number of people that were in my town for the Texas Country Reporter Festival. I had it on our 2016 Fall Bucketlist to go to the festival, but it didn't happen. We drove around for 25 minutes looking for parking and then gave up. The crowds were ridiculous!!

Number of Halloween costumes or masks and number of pumpkins bought in October.

Number of items crossed off our 2016 Fall Bucketlist in the month of October.

And that is a wrap! This month I did something different and kept an 'October' note in my phone. Each day I would document anything we did that day and any numbers I wanted to share. I had a lot more to share by doing this.

{September in Numbers}

Time to take a look at the month of numbers! I love this perspective on the month.

{August in Numbers}

 photo august 16_zps8hsvgk7q.png

{May in Numbers}

Okay, where did May go? And how are we already 16 days into June? I feel so behind on everything these days. Summer days are my favorite and I find myself living more in the moment. I am not on social media as much and my blog gets a little neglected. Not complaining, though! I have been enjoying the time with my sweet boys. I know that my May in numbers is hardly relevant at this point, but I wanted it on my blog anyhow. Linking up with Shoes to Shiraz to take a look at our month of numbers.

blog posts written.

pictures posted to Instagram

days that Mason was on green for good behavior at school

day that Mason was on red for bad behavior at school (and he was so upset about it)

number of books that Mason and I read this month for his star reader program

number of prizes Mason got at his awards program (a fun tab) for reading...


photos on my iPhone camera roll

photos that were taken in May (on my phone)

the number of Ranger wins/losses in May.

amazing camping trip to Mason, TX

family hike at Pedernales Falls

I didn't do that great of a job of tracking everything this month. It was too crazy and the days flew by. Lets see if I can do better in June! 

{April in Numbers}

It's hard to believe that it is already MAY! Where did April go? That is one month that flew by quick and left me wondering what we did that month because it sure did go by in a hurry. May is a good month and I am much looking forward to it. We will have Mason's birthday party, celebrate his 6th birthday, go on some camping trips and round out our Kindergarten year. Crazy! Linking up with Shoes to Shiraz to take a look at our month of numbers.



The number of photos on my iPhone camera roll right now. And this was after a big purge. 

Of those were taken in the month of April. 


The number of GB those 2,302 photos are taking on my phone.


The number of photos posted to Instagram in April. 


The number of days left of school as of today.


The number of days missed from school this month. 3 were from having strep throat and 1 for bring your kid to work day and an eye doctor appointment. These are the only 4 days he has missed all year.


The number of days Mason was on green {good behavior} at school


The number of days Mason was on red {bad behavior} at school


.The number of Sundays we attended our new church. We missed one when Mase had strep.


.The number of Ranger wins/losses in April.


The amount of medical bills I paid in April from one friggin' ER visit and this is with insurance. Thankful for the coverage I do have, though. ;)


The number of times I hit the gym this month. So embarrassing!


The number of field trips Mason went on and I got to attend!


The number of items we checked off our Spring 2016 Bucketlist

How does your April look in numbers?

{March in Numbers}

March was a roller coast month for me as far as emotions go. It was a season of intense heartache {more on this to come}, but also a season of beautiful growth in so many areas. While some days felt like they were never ending the month still seemed to fly by. Here is a little glimpse of what we were up to in March.

19 // # of posts to the blog in March // some of my favorites were 10 things I am grateful for, The Kids Behind the Blog link-up, Our DIY Leprechaun Trap, Our St Patty's Day Shenanigans, Easter 2016, and our Easter Basket Link-up!

574 # of pictures taken // {I counted after I did a massive photo cleanup off of my phone, so there were actually more}

28 // # of photos posted to Instagram // 28

14 // # of days Mason was on green {good behavior} at school // this is big!

3 # of days Mason was on red {bad behavior} at school // again, big. I haven't shared it on the blog much, but Mason has adhd and gets in trouble for things like talking {non-stop}, not sitting still, not staying in line, not staying on task, etc.  So when I say bad behavior its those things.

4 # of Sundays we attended at our new church //  we didn't miss a service this month! We are truly loving our new church home.

1.5 # of camping trips // {I still need to blog about our other camping trip}

2 # of storms I survived // {this is a big deal because they give me major anxiety}

1 # of soccer games // we won! Read about it here.

3 # of soccer practices

4 # egg hunts attended 

3 # of Easter services attended 

1 # of ER visits

2 # of doctor visits

That's our month in numbers! Looking forward to what April brings us. How was your March? Anything exciting happen?