{O N E} // Posts from this week
{T W O} // While organizing my photos I realized that I never shared these sweet pictures. Mason had a turtle for a pet for about a week. He was a tiny little thing and Nathan found him crossing our street. As much as Mason loved him, we noticed he wasn't really thriving in the home we built for him. Nathan and I were afraid he was going to die. So we talked Mason into taking him to the pond to 'find his family'. So one evening we loaded up in the Trail-Wagon and went to take our turtle home. The light was glorious and I couldn't help but snap pictures. While at the pond Nathan taught Mason the art of skipping rocks. We really should spend more time at the pond.
The gift bag! We can now say that thing has traveled across the world. Goodness I love a good tradition and good friends even more.
{F O U R} // Tuesday was Flag Day! I love National holidays because for some reason Mason is more agreeable to letting me take pictures of him. Like on Flag Day! I said, "Mason today is flag day. I need to take some pictures of you with the flag!" And he agreed without any fuss! Umm, whaaaatt? I might just have to make up some holidays for the sake of getting photos.
{F I V E} // We went on some family bike rides this week! It's kind of become our evening jam. We are loving being able to just go without having to stop every five minutes for Mason! When he had training wheels he would get high-centered on our uneven streets in our neighborhood. Now, he is a bike riding machine. We normally ride to Nate's parents house and back (which is exactly a mile), but one night we took the long way home. Mason is a little champ! This makes me even more excited to see him ride in the bike parade at 5th of July! If we aren't bike riding we at least try to get out and do some sort of outdoor activity each night! Summers are the best.
Any plans for the weekend? I doubt we do much tonight because Nate has to be at the church at 5:30 am to leave for a men's fishing trip! Mason and I will find something to do. Then Sunday is child dedication and Father's Day at church!!
Hope you have an amazing weekend!!