Showing posts with label One Second Everyday. Show all posts


Here's a look at our month of June according to the One Sec Everyday App! I love that this app reminds me to make a conscious effort to take more videos every day. I'm usually just a photo snapper, but I love looking back on videos so much! June was full of spending time with God, sunsets, hanging out on our porch, Jeepin', birthday-ing, beaching, friends, and home projects. 


Here's a look at our month of May via the One Sec Everyday App! I love that this app reminds me to make a conscious effort to take more videos every day. I'm usually just a photo snapper, but I love looking back on videos so much!

{One Second Everyday // January, February, and March 2020}

I have been using the One Second Everyday app for quite some time and love the little memories captured in those videos. I've been meaning to share them on here but always forget to do so. This is our family scrapbook and I know I will love to look back on these one day. Having it all here on the blog makes that so much easier.