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{Today...three years ago}

Three years ago today our lives changed forever!!

Friday, September 25th 2009 I woke up to take a shower and get ready for the day. We were meeting our best friends at the train station to catch a ride to the Texas State Fair. I walked into the bathroom to find that Hubby left a pregnancy test out on the counter for me. Subtle, right? He had been asking me all week to take the test and I kept telling him that I would on Friday. Friday marked 2 weeks of me being late. I was so incredibly nervous. After two years of my hopes being crushed every month by a false sign on that little white stick, I was apprehensive. Who am I kidding, that's a total understatement! I was a wreck. 

This time was different. It was even harder because I actually felt pregnant. Hints of nausea, sore boobs, and tired like no other. I tried and tried not to get my hopes up, but I just felt different. I felt pregnant. My heart just couldn't handle seeing another negative sign so stayed up all night trying to talk myself out of feeling pregnant. Seemed like it would be less devastating if I prepared myself that way. 

I took the test, laid it on the counter and started my shower. I had planned on taking my shower and then checking the test. But then I thought I should check the test first so that I had my shower to cry and think about how I was going to break the news to hubby. {he was still in bed sleeping}

I had the biggest knots in my stomach. Finally, I grabbed the little digital test and it read "pregnant". Tears just started flowing. All of those things I had been feeling were validated with that little white stick! I ran to the bedroom, shook Nate to wake him and then I showed him the stick. I didn't say a word. Neither did he. He just grabbed me and hugged me.

We got ready and headed to the train station....both of us sporting a HUGE smile. We got out of the car and walked over to meet the Browers. They were getting their things out of the car and setting up their stroller. Nate couldn't wait any longer and had to share the news. They were the first people we told! We wanted to tell our parents in person, but already had plans for that day.

Towards the end of the day I started feeling so sick. I think it was a combination of the heat and all of the food smells at the Fair. I felt silly for feeling so sick considering we had just found out. But in reality, I was already 4 weeks pregnant!!

Nate bought me 3 more tests on the way home. I took 2 more {all positive} before we headed to tell the parents. 

So now, the 25th of September, the Texas State Fair and the Browers hold a special place in my heart!!!

Dr Appt - 39w5d


Our sonogram and appt went well. Mason passed another BPP sonogram! Yay! His movements and heartbeat were great! My fluids measured about a 20, so that was good. Not too high and haven't increased, thank God!

The appt went well too. I had to do an NST test to track his movements for a period of time. Everything went well with that too. Dr Greve came in at one point and said, your due date is Friday - we need to talk about inducing. I said, "Tomorrow"? half joking/half not joking. He said, I'm on call tomorrow and we can do it then, if you want. I was like really? He said, well we need to check your cervix because if you're not dialating that will change things!! So I sat through 20 minutes of the NST wondering if I was going to have our son tomorrow. It was 20 minutes filled of anxiety and excitement. After the NST Dr Greve checked me and of course I hadn't dilated at all, nor effaced. Mason is too happy in mama's belly!!! So we sat down and discussed plans. He said if he were to induce me that week it was about a 70% change I would end up in a csection. So we opted to wait a few more days. As of right now the plan is another sonogram at 1:30 on Tuesday the 25th with an OB appt following. He will check to see if we've made any progress and then we will make our decision then. It's either trying the cervix softening medicine and then inducing, or scheduling a csection! Either way I am at peace with because I know the good Lord will be watching over us.

He's getting so big it's harder to see him! Turn your head to the right to see his face!

40 Weeks

How your baby's growing:

It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

How far along: 40 weeks (as of 5/21)

Total weight gain/loss: 32lbs still

Maternity clothes: Yep, since about month 6!

Stretch marks: Same two that I had last week!!

Sleep: Trying to get as much as possible. :) I know it's just a matter of days before I forget what sleep is. But that's okay with me!

Best moment this week: Hearing Masons heartbeat, seeing him on the sonogram, and having somewhat of a plan in place!!

Movement: Mason is still very active. Although he's running out of room he is not letting that stop him! He makes room :) Most of the time I feel like he's pushing outwards against my backbone. You can feel his little booty and feet poking out of my belly at just about any given time of the day!! And as of this weekend, he has started to it's kind of different feeling the movements in my lower belly!!!

Food cravings: Mashed Potatoes, Gatorade, fruit, sandwiches.

Food aversions: Not really

Gender: Still a boy. :) Can't you tell by his stubborness? At this point we are 3 days past due!

Labor Signs: He's dropping!!!

Belly Button in or out: Flat and sometimes out!

What I miss: my ankles!!!

What I am looking forward to: Tuesday's appt. We'll get a better idea of when Mason will make his debut!! We have a sonogram at 1:30 and an appt at 2:00 pm. Afterwards we are going to Pinkberry for frozen yogurt/fruit. YUMMO!!!

Belly Pics:




Saw this on another blog and loved every word of it.

"The two of us have covered much ground in this sacred dance we call pregnancy" - Angie Smith

We made it!!

Sweet Baby Mason,

Thank you for teaming up with Mommy and waiting a few extra days! Dr Greve is back into the grind and we are good to go now. So, whenever you are is Mommy!!!

Daddy and I are so anxious to meet you and have been finishing up last minute things for your arrival.

You are due in just 4 short days. Mommy can't wait to talk to the Dr on Wednesday to see our plans for the next few days. That is of course, unless you have other plans!

I love you baby boy!

39 Weeks

39 Weeks:

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath
What baby looks like this week:
How far along: 39 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 32lbs (I think)

Maternity clothes: Yeppers!

Stretch marks: Same two that I had last week!!

Sleep: Yes please! Been blessed to have gotten a lot of sleep lately. Yay!

Best moment this week: Hearing Mason’s heartbeat, how I live for that precious sound and seeing him on the sonogram.

Movement: Yes, and I can tell how strong my sweet boy is getting. I have so much pressure every time he moves.

Food cravings: Mashed Potatoes, Gatorade, fruit, etc.

Food aversions: Not really

Gender: Still a boy. The sono tech is very good about showing me his “testicles” in every sonogram. Makes me giggle! LOL

Labor Signs: Contractions! Back pain!

Belly Button in or out: Flat and sometimes out!

What I miss: my ankles!!!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting our son, very very soon! Can’t wait for our appt on Wednesday! Hoping for great news.

{ Sonogram, OB Appt } 5/13/2010

Well, the biggest blessing is that Mason passed yet another BPP sonogram! Yay! Poor guy isn't even here yet, and he already has tests he has to pass each week. :) The sonogram went well, and I had my favorite tech Diana again. First of all she watched his breathing, moving and checked his heartrate - which were all perfect. Mason's heartrate a the time of the sono was 137bpm. Then she measured my fluids (which is the main reason we have weekly BPP sono's) and low and behold, my fluids were back up in the 21/22 range. A normal amniotic fluid range is 5-19. So, I am just above that normal range once again. This happened around month 6 I believe, my fluids spiked and so Dr Greve started scheduling me weekly BPP (Biophysical Profile) sonograms to keep a close eye on my fluids. They remained in the 21 range for about 5-6 weeks and then went down to the 17 range. They have been consistent in the 17ish area for several weeks until yesterday. So, Diana viewed my charts and made some notes for Dr Greve. She then started watching his breathing/movements again. She said that Mason has a good set of lungs (hallelujiah). That was great to hear! He passed everything, so she wasn't too worried about the fluids. Mason didn't seem to be affected by them. Which is a blessing! After about a 20 minute sonogram we were done and I got 4 fabulous pictures of his beautiful face and chubby cheeks!! (that are being squished right now) :)

Then it was time for the lab. I could tell my fluids were higher because it showed that I gained 4lbs in 1 week. That is usually not the case. For the last several weeks it's been 0, 1/2lb, or 1lb weight gain. So, with the extra fluids I am carrying, I showed to have gained 4lbs. Eeeekkkk! My urine came back good, though. Another blessing! Last week I had a little blood in my urine.

Then it was time for the appt. I only saw Odessa (my nurse) this week because Dr Greve is on vacation all this week. Kind of frustrating! Doctors shouldn't be allowed to vacation! Only kidding! Everyone deserves vacations - just not 1 week before my due date!!!! hee hee! My blood pressure was good and Mason's heartrate was in the 140s. Odessa looked over my files and scheduled me my appt for next week. She gave me signs to look for and said I should get to the hospital asap if I notice any of them.

I have to start counting contractions. If they are 5-7 minutes apart and last for an hour, it's time to head to MCA!!!!! Hello Reality!!!

Sonogram pictures:

Oh and in the sonogram Mason kept sticking his tongue out!! It was hilarious. But I hope he wasn't saying, nanananana, I'm gonna hang out in here for a few more weeks! :)

{ Mommy's Shadow }


Can't wait for you to become Mommy's little shadow! (and Daddy's too)

{ Oklahoma bound, contractions galore! }

Sweet baby Mason,

Last Saturday (5/8/2010) your daddy and I rode with your Papa Jacky and Uncle T.Y. to Oklahoma to visit your Great Grandpa and some other relatives. We were also going to pick up your uncle Ty's new truck!! It was a great trip and nice to see everyone. However, around 9am Mommy started having contractions. They were very consistent and lasted through the next morning. The car ride home was very interesting because I couldn't get comfortable with the contractions. We thought we might get to meet you on Mother's Day...but you had other plans! Nothing progressed from there.

Mason - get ready to cruise around town with your Uncle TY in this awesome ride!!!

See those donkey's in the background, they're waiting to meet you too!!

Watch out ladies!!!

(I wish I would have taken pictures in Oklahoma, but I was too busy concentrating on the contractions)

{ NeNaw's Birthday }

Sweet baby Mason,

A couple weekends ago we went to lunch to celebrate your Great Grandma's birthday! It was such a great time. We visited at their house, and then headed over to Babe's Chicken in Cedar Hill. YUM! This is one of mommy and daddy's favorite restaurants. You and mommy had chicken strips, sweet corn, mashed potatoes and gravy and salad. I think you loved it just as much as mommy!!

Here are a couple pictures from the day:

All of us are very excited and anxious to meet you!!

{ 38 Weeks }

How Baby is Growing

Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: He’s continuing to add fat (so he can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning his brain and nervous system (so he can deal with all the stimulation that awaits him once he makes his entrance into the world).

Pregnancy So Far

How far along: 38 weeks (when I was supposed to post this. I’m only 6 days late, oops.)

Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yeppers

Stretch marks: Just two, both above the waist. One on each TaTa. haha

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good these last several days, with the exception of the frequent potty breaks. But it’s been easy to go back to sleep. Hubby got us a new memory foam mattress topper and it’s been LOVELY! Wish we would have gotten this oh say about 6 months ago. But better late than never. Glad I am getting some good rest these last final days! I’ll take all I can get.

Best moment this week: Sonogram for sure and finally getting to see Mason’s estimated weight!!! 7lbs 8oz as of Thursday 5/6/2010. Wow!!!

Movement: Oh yeah! And they are getting stronger and my belly kind of looks crazy with things poking out everywhere!!

Food cravings: Gatorade – G2 the orange one is a favorite, but any Gatorade really!

Food aversions: Some meats

Gender: Still a boy – don’t think that’s gonna change. Maybe I should just eliminate this question. ha

Labor Signs: Lots and lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, pressure and lower back pain.

Belly Button in or out: Flat most of the time, but sometimes it pokes out. Mason must throw me and elbow every now and then.

What I miss: My ankles!!

What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow’s appt and sonogram! We’ll see if there’s been any progression. Yall wanna take bets?

38w1d Pictures

38w4d  Pictures

{ Dr Appt - 05/06/10 } 37w6d

This week was very different than the last 6 or 7 weeks - I had both my sonogram and my Dr appt in one day!!! It was nice to not have to split the appts up into two different days. I got next weeks appts for the same day too, SCORE!!

My sonogram was first. I got my favorite Sono Tech, Diana. She's young and very nice. When I got to her room she said, okay we are doing a BPP today. I told her that Dr Greve also wanted Mason to be weighed at 38 weeks and that I would be 38 weeks the next day! She said, "No problem, we can do that". My other sonogram tech wouldn't have done it. So, I was happy to have Diana. And hey, it was true. Dr Greve told me that in my last appt! So I wanted to make sure it was done. Not for my own curiosity, but for Dr Greve too! :)

She took care of the BPP first. Everything looked great. Mason was moving like he should be for his gestational age and his heartrate was great - 140bpm. And my fluids measured good and stable. Yay!! We got to see Mason's mouth moving. That was really awesome! I love seeing him move!!!

After all the calculations, Mason's estimated weight was 7lbs 8oz. WOW! We have a good sized boy already. But that's okay. Bring on the chunky!!!! As long as he is healthy is all that matters to us.

Sonogram pictures:

Love our sweet boy!!

37 weeks

How big is baby??

Weeks 37-Delivery (Month 9): Watermelon

Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.

Full term! Baby's finally ready for the outside world...

Your Baby: Month 9

At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

My Pregnancy so far...

How far along: 37w3d (didn’t get to post this on Friday)
Total weight gain/loss: Same, didn’t gain this week. Woo Hoo! I’m sure I won’t be able to celebrate this week, though. We ate too good over the weekend!

Maternity clothes: Same

Stretch marks: One, but it’s above the belly?!!? Hmm! Been coco-buttering the belly several times a day!

Sleep: I guess I slept pretty good over the weekend! Friday I got about 7 hours, Saturday I got around 8 hours, but then Hubbs and I took over a 3 hour nap on Sunday. It was much needed!!! Felt great too. And woke up just in time to watch the Rangers beat Seattle!! We swept em’ this series. Yay!

Best moment this week: Sonogram, getting to hear Mason’s heart rate.

Movement: Oh yeah! Saturday within the span of a few hours Mason flopped from my right side to my left side over 6 times!!! It was crazy feeling/watching him!! He really knows how to push that little butt out!!

Food cravings: Not really

Food aversions: Certain meats

Gender: Still a boy!

Labor Signs: Didn’t have many Braxton Hicks over the weekend. Yay!

Belly Button in or out: Flat, and sometimes sticks out a little. My sono tech said that Mason’s elbows get me right there at the belly button. So I guess when he elbows me it makes my belly button stick out. hahahahaha

What I miss: My ankles!!!!!!!!!!

What I am looking forward to: Sono/Dr appt this week (Thursday) and maternity pictures with the hubster!!!

36w6d - Dr Appt

Thursday was a really good and interesting day. I woke up in a great mood with Mason moving around like crazy. I got to my dr appt early and said hello to all of my friends up there, lol. Went to the lab and chatted with the tech for a bit. Didn't gain any weight, woo hoo!!! I was sure I had gained a few pounds or more. I went to the waiting room and naturally grab "Sports Illustrated" to read. I'm reading and out of the blue I hear, "Are you Nate's wife??" - I guess I was caught off guard because I looked up and said, "Nathan Hall?" lol! It was a co-worker of Nates. :) Small world! Not sure if the Sports Illustrated gave it away or what?!?! Kidding. Nate had told her that I would be there that day! And she reads this blog, so I guess knows what I look like! We chatted for a bit before Odessa called me back for my appt. It was nice to meet her, since I've heard Nate talk about her.

Odessa checked my blood pressure, which was good and measured my belly. I am measuring on schedule 36-37cm, 36w6d. Mason's heartrate was in the 140's which is also good! She said that both of my Group B tests came back negative, which was good, means no strept or bacteria. Yay! Then Dr Greve came in and said that my BPP (sono) from Tuesday looked great and that Mason is still doing good. He checked me, and no surprise to me, I hadn't dialated one bit. He said that Mason was a stubborn baby and "way up there". LOL! He's content in mama's belly! Which was fine with me. I'd rather him wait until closer to his due date!! But of course, I would be completely fine with whatever day/time Mason chooses!!

I got to work and we had a mini baby shower (there's only 3 of us total in my office, including me). They catered in Panera Bread and had a yummy strawberry boston cream cake. YUMMO! They also got Mason a Baby Einstein Exersaucer! Super cool. I know it will definitely come in handy before we know it. It was a really nice time and I am so thankful for such thoughtful people in our life!!


Trying to get better about posting the things I want to remember!

Last night I was running around the house from the laundry room to our room to Mason's room, to the guest bathroom, and back to the living room - getting our hospital bags packed. Nathan and I went through clothes and picked out outfits and things we wanted to take for Mason. Nate's mom picked up his "Bring home" outfit yesterday from the embroidery shop and OMG it's sooo cute it should be illegal! Especially when it's filled by our handsome little baby boy!!!!!!!!!!! I almost posted pictures here...but then decided that I want it to be a surprise. So, sorry my blogfriends, you will have to wait! Plus, it will be 100x better when he's wearing it, right?!?!?! That's what we're all waiting for anyhow! Pictures of the amazing baby I have blogged about for 9 months! Wow, words can't say how excited I am about that.

Anyhow, sometime during all the craziness I walked in the living room and Nate has the biggest smile/grin on his face. This was our convo:

Me: "What are you smiling about?"
Nate: "Because your pregnant"

:) And that was it. Nothing else was said. We have an amazing connection, so nothing else really needed to be said. And I know that without trying to, he knows that he melted my heart! Oh how I love that man so!!!!!!!!!

Anyhow, so I finished our bags and had them in the car with me for today's appt. Since today was the first day they would actually be "checking" me for dialation/effacement, I felt I needed to be ready. You just never know. Then this morning as I was getting ready I started thinking about our cameras. I really don't want to leave those in my car, nor do I want to haul them around with me. So I decided to leave those at home by my front door. So hopefully someone loves me enough to get those for me when the time comes. **hint hint!

36 Week Sonogram

Our sonogram on Tuesday went really well. On my way there I realized that I completely forgot to eat breakfast, which they like for me to do. I woke up extra early that day, but filled my time with sterlizing/putting away bottles, laundry, logging in to do a little work, uploading sono pics and videos, playing outside with Diesel, etc. and then it was time to go! I was making good time and got there early, so I grabbed a snack from the vending machine on the bottom floor of the hospital and ate some before my appt. My appt was at 8:30 and I actually went back on time!! Which is a good thing, but normally they are running behind. I thought I would have time to let my snack settle and for it to wake Mason up, but nope! He moved for a little bit during the sonogram, but really woke up afterwards. Figures, eh? Owell, the tech still saw enough movement for us to pass our BPP tests! My fluids were okay, his heartbeat was good and strong at around 141bpm and his movements were good too. We got a great sono picture of him kicking the you know what out of me! Greatness. I love it! This was my last "scheduled" sonogram. But Dr Greve told me to remind him of that on Thursday. So, I am thinking they will definitely schedule more. He mentioned wanting to weigh him at 38 weeks, so I at least have 1 more. I really hope I still have them 1x a week until delivery. That's the highlight of my week, seeing him every Tuesday!!!

Sonogram Pictures:

Preparing for Mason

While I was busy doing this:

Nathan was doing this:

Tonight I will start round 2 of bottle sterlizing, finish packing hospital bags, Mason's laundry and hopefully Nate will cook another good meal!! :)

Dear Mason

A very sweet friend of Mommy's sent this to me today -

"The answer to your prayers will be in your arms soon SAVOR IT! :)"

And it's more true than you can ever imagine. Mommy and Daddy have hoped, dreamed and prayed for you for so very long. God has truly blessed us and answered our prayers. We are overwhelmed with excitement that in 3 weeks (give or take) we will get to meet you. It's been such an amazing experience for Mommy to get to carry you in her tummy for the last (almost) 9 months, but I can't wait to hold you in my arms and for daddy to get to hold you as well!! You are going to be so loved!!

I can't wait for you to meet your daddy and to see how wonderful of a person he is!! He has so much that he wants to show you and teach you. Mommy can't wait to watch the bond grow between you two!!

We love you, son!

Dear Mason

Not only are Mommy, Daddy, your Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, cousins and friends anxiously waiting to meet also have a very special fur-buddy waiting for you! You will already have a best friend when you come into this world :) He is going to love you so much and bring you so much laughter and joy!

His name is Diesel and he is 2 years old. He's very playful and such a loving puppy.

(these were taken right before his haircut)

He loves to play outside and run and chase. Diesel is very fast. But don't worry Mason - I am sure you will be able to keep up! Your daddy has always been really fast and I am sure he'll pass those genes on to you!

Mommy and Daddy can't wait for our two babies to meet!!!

Pictures - 36w2d

Nathan took some preggo pictures of me this past Sunday. And WHOA do I look big!! It's kind of weird seeing my pregnant body in pictures. :) Hopefully we will get a chance to get more before Mason arrives of both Mommy and Daddy! I've had a few photographer friends offer to take them...we just have horrible timing. Things have been sooo hectic lately with our schedules. *Sigh*

These were just taken at our house on a Sunday evening, hey we have a free moment - kind of thing!

Not sure about this angle :)

Or this one :)