Showing posts with label Recipes. Show all posts

{Oh Hey Friday // Flag Cake // Kindergarten}

Happy Friday! I mentioned in yesterday's post how crazy this week has been for us, so I won't go into all of that. I am happy that it's Friday and almost the weekend, though! Time for Oh Hey Friday!

{O N E} // Posts from this week...

Tuesday - Currently
Thursday - I confess


{T W O} // Mason and I started the Magic Treehouse Series this week and we are loving it! These are the first true chapter books we have read. I can tell we are going to go through them quick. We read the first book in two sessions and they were pretty short sessions.

{T H R E E} // I racked my brain trying to think of something to give Mason's teacher for her end of the year gift. I feel like we have exhausted all Pinterest options and gave her just about one of everything this year. I had to get my nails done yesterday and that's when I thought of giving her a gift card to the nail salon. I made a little note that said "MANI thanks for an awesome year" to go with the theme. And hopefully it was different than anything else she received!

{F O U R} // This past weekend we went on our annual Memorial Day camping trip to the Texas Hill Country. Every evening we do a "potluck" style supper and all campers come together to eat. It's one of my favorite parts about this trip. Every camper contributes sides and desserts and there is always enough yumminess to feed an Army. This time we had 12 campers in our group, so you can imagine. And we always call the police department to come out and eat with us. I think its so cool that they actually come. Well, one evening my Mother in Law brought the ingredients to make this flag cake. It was so easy and so delicious, so I thought I would share.


Strawberry glaze
Whip Cream


Layer the pan with the twinkies, spread the strawberry glaze over them, top with a tub of cool whip, add the blueberries to upper left hand corner (for the stars), and then make rows using the strawberries.

That's it!

So cute, so festive and so yummy. And it's easy enough to make in a camper.

{F I V E} // It's hard to believe Mason is done with Kindergarten. I will have a full post on this soon, but I wanted to share the first day vs last day photos. It's amazing how much he has grown in so many ways this year.

That's all I've got for today! I hope you have an amazing weekend!!

{2 ingredient homemade ice cream}

two ingredient homemade icecream

With today being National Ice Cream Day I wanted to repost our go-to ice cream recipe!

You'll need:

- Ice cream maker
- Ice (we ended up using 2 bags)
- Rock Salt
- 2 two liters (cream soda = vanilla)
- 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk

- Fill the canister with the 2 two liters and 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk
- layer ice around the outside of the canister, top with rock salt, add another layer of ice and then rock salt, and keep layering until you reach the top of the ice cream maker
- Turn on and let it go (it took about 2 hours until our ice cream was ready)
- Make you a bowl {or two, or three} and freeze the rest

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This is our favorite homemade ice cream recipe, and it's so simple. We've also done an Orange & Cream Soda which tastes like a dreamsicle...or a Big Red and a Cream Soda is kind of a strawberry flavor. The combinations are endless!

Such a perfect Summer staple.

Logan at Logan Can posted a great ice cream recipe round-up. What is your favorite homemade ice cream recipe?

{Pumpkin Whoopie Pies and Fall Porch}

Happy Monday!! 

What a good weekend we had! I barely took any pictures, but believe me it was good. I also knocked a couple of things off our Fall Bucketlist; bake some Fall goodies and decorate my porch. The porch is still a work in progress, but I love it so far! 

For the Pumpkin Whoopie pies I used this recipe.

Ingredients - 

1 Moist Spice cake mix
1/3 cup of butter, softened
1 can of pumpkin
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup of milk
1 container of cream cheese frosting

Directions - 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray.
2. In large bowl mix the cake mix, butter, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, eggs, and milk. The consistency is pretty wet.
3. Drop dollops on the cookie sheet. Try to make them the same size so that when you sandwich them together they are a good fit.
4. Bake for 10-11 minutes.
5. Let them cool completely and then put icing one the bottom of one and sandwich another with it. 

ps - this mixture makes a ton of cookies! I ended up using 4 cookie sheets and made the last ones huge just to use up the mixture.

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And...the start of my Fall porch...

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+ visit the pumpkin patch
+ go on a hayride
+ make caramel apples
+ decorate my porch {crates, hay, pumpkins, etc}
+ carve pumpkins
+ make fall crafts
+ decorate the house for fall
+ pick out halloween costumes
+ stay in a cabin somewhere
+ make a thankful tree
+ share the Thanksgiving story with Mason
+ find a corn maze
+ bake fall goodies
+ go to fall festivals
+ go to an aggie football game
+ roast marshmallows
+ lots of fires in our chiminea
+ go apple pickin'
+ have a scary {but mason friendly} movie night
+ make lots of crock pot meals
+ do my bible study on the porch
+ host a fall party/get together
+ make a pumpkin chunkin' game
+ stock up on my favorite fall scentsy bars
+ take a scenic drive {where the leaves actually turn pretty colors}
+ go to the farmers market
+ go on a nature walk
+ take fall pictures of mason

Have you checked anything off your Fall list yet?
Have you baked any Fall goodies?

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{Homemade Ice Cream}

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You'll need:

- Ice cream maker
- Ice (we ended up using 2 bags)
- Rock Salt
- 2 two liters (cream soda = vanilla)
- 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk

- Fill the canister with the 2 two liters and 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk
- layer ice around the outside of the canister, top with rock salt, add another layer of ice and then rock salt, and keep layering until you reach the top of the ice cream maker
- Turn on and let it go (it took about 2 hours until our ice cream was ready)
- Make you a bowl {or two, or three} and freeze the rest

 photo IceCream1_zpsb515e61c.jpg
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 photo Icecream2_zps274965c3.jpg

This is our favorite homemade ice cream recipe, and it's so simple. We've also done an Orange & Cream Soda which tastes like a dreamsicle...or a Big Red and a Cream Soda is kind of a strawberry flavor. The combinations are endless!

Such a perfect Summer staple.

What is your favorite homemade ice cream recipe?