Showing posts with label Scripture. Show all posts

{Who God says I am}

In a world where we are pulled in many different directions and are constantly made to feel like we are never enough I am so thankful that I serve a God that says I am worth it. That I am enough. That I am His. My true identity is in Christ and in Christ alone. I turn to these scriptures when I need to be reminded of just that. And maybe you need to read these today, too.
Hall Around Texas Who God Says I am

{Easter Scripture}

Over the years Easter has become one of my favorite holidays. I love the spiritual meaning of the holiday and sharing that with my sweet family. Every year I try to make sure that we keep our focus on Jesus and not on egg hunts, candy and the Easter bunny. Although those things are fun, these are not the reason we celebrate Easter. One of the ways we keep a Christ centered Easter is by reading scripture on the life, death and resurreciton of our savior. Today I am sharing some of my favorite Easter scriptures. I made these at cards that you can print out, if you wanted.

{Scripture // In the Waiting // Vol. 2}

Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting
Hold on to your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing

Last year I shared some scripture that I was clinging to during our season of waiting. Today I wanted to share a few more scriptures that are bringing me hope and peace right now. Friends, if you are in a season of waiting please know that while it feels like it is waiting for us it's not waiting for God. He's busy working. Working for us. Oh the peace that brings. Have hope in his precious and perfect timing...Ecclesiastes 3:11.

(Praying for our teachers}

As I mentioned before, there are so many little worries and anxieties that fill a mama's heart at the start of each new school year. I shared recently that I wanted to hand those worries and anxieties over to God and shared some Prayers for Back to School. Today I wanted to share some prayers I have been praying over Mason's new teachers and previous teachers. I think it's so important to remember our teachers and to cover them in prayer daily. The magnitude of their job cannot be measured, the least {and greatest} thing we can do is pray for them. These people pour into the heart, soul and mind of our children day in and day out. As a mama there is nothing more precious than someone that pours into your child. It brings me to tears. They are there with them when we cannot be. They are right there along side us shaping them into amazing little people. Mason has truly been blessed with the most amazing teachers in Pre-K, Kinder and First and I pray that continues with 2nd grade. Today I am sharing 8 prayers for teachers.

{Prayers for the new school year}

Prayers for Back to School - Hall Around Texas

As the new school year approaches I often find myself praying over Mason, his teachers and his school. I pray that he loves his new teacher, that he is able to get his lunchbox off of his backpack, that he easily makes new friends, that he adjusts well to the new schedule and routine, etc. There are so many worries and anxieties that come along with a new school year and I just want to hand those all over to God through prayer. Today I am sharing 10 of those prayers with you.

{This Past Weekend // Ranger game, time with friends & Mother's Day}

Happy Thursday! I can't believe I am just now sharing about this past weekend. The Monday after a busy Sunday is just too hard {plus I took entirely too many pictures and the thought of going through them was overwhelming}. I was in a weekend hangover/funk all day long on Monday and did very little blogging {or anything else for that matter}. And then Tuesday came and I just slapped some pictures I wanted to share into a post, Wednesday I had something planned and now here we are, already at Thursday. We had such an incredible weekend and there is no way that I could go on without blogging about it. Here is a look at...

{Scripture for the tired and busy Mama}

Scripture for the Busy Mama

Truth is, I stay tired. I’ve always been borderline-anemic and now have Hypothyroidism which basically gives me no chance at being the energizer bunny that us moms sometimes need to be. No matter what medication or how many vitamins I take I am still tired. 

{Scripture // In the Waiting // Vol. 1}

Back in January I shared my one little word for the year {Hope} and then a few weeks ago I shared a really heavy post on loss and heartache. Today I wanted to share some scripture that I am clinging to. Scripture that gives me hope and faith in God's plan and His perfect timing.

{Duck Commander Devotions for Kids}

Earlier this year I went on a mission to find a kids devotional that Mason would love and understand. I wanted one that would engage him and keep his attention all the while teaching him about Jesus. I researched different ones for weeks before deciding on Duck Commander Devotions for Kids. It's perfect and Mason and I have loved it. It's everything I had dreamed of in a devotion and more. Each devotion starts with a scripture, then tells a story about someone in the Robertson family that pertains to the lesson and then closes with a prayer. As a bonus there is an "action" for each lesson which is an activity or craft. Mason and I haven't gotten to do any of the actions because we read the devotional at night just before bed.

Mason and I finished the devotional in a quarter of the time that we probably should have. He loved the devotions and each night would ask for "just one more" a few times each night. So instead of reading one each night we would read 3 or 4. He would ask me the title for the next one and then say, "Oh yeah Mama we need to read that one" and who was I to tell him no? And he says that we always "leave the best for last" meaning his devotional. We read a lot of books each night, but always save our devotional for last.

I do suggest one thing - at one point in the devotional there is a story about "obeying" and then close to that one is a devotion on "grace"...if you have a smart kid like I have then do not read these on the same night!!! haha.

Also, I've had friends ask me if you need to be familiar with the whole Duck Dynasty and their crew to read this devotional and the answer is no. Not at all. The devotions are real life lessons that anyone can relate to.

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We love this one so much that we have actually started re-reading the devotional and plan to go back and complete the actions too. It's that amazing.

This is post is in no way, shape or form sponsored, just wanted to share something that we love so much with all of you. If you're looking for a devotional for a young child I cannot recommend this one enough.

Also, do you have a kids devotional that you love? I've tried to find another one similar to this and I just can't find one. I've searched everywhere, but cannot find one with a similar structure. I bought a Boys devotional, but it hasn't engaged Mason yet. I think it's for older boys.

{Five on Friday // Mason's parade, Snapchat, }

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Oh Friday...hey you pretty little thing you! I am so happy to see you. This has been a long & trying week and I am so ready to put it behind us!! 

1.) In case you missed it...posts from this week:

Currently & a catch-up post
Dreaming about Fall
Instagram Round-up
My Instagram editing sytle

2.)  In my Currently post I talked about my mom's recent diagnosis with Hyperthyroidism. She went to the endocrinologist appt on Monday and found out that she had been on the wrong medication for 6 days. The physician she saw prescribed mom with an rx for hypothyroidism rather than hyperthyroidism (total opposite) and it was actually making mom feel worse. She is now on the right medication and starting to fee better. Praise Jesus! She will take this prescription for 6 weeks and then recheck her levels. And once she's feeling better she will need a biopsy. Continued prayers for her, please!

I go next Thursday to get my thyroid checked. It's hereditary and my mom and 2 of her siblings have thyroid problems so it's time I get tested. 

3.) Mason and I have been reading the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids and we are almost done with it. All the tears. We have truly loved this devotional and it's one that Mason 'gets' and can relate to. I am having trouble finding one with the same format; scripture, a story of how it relates in real life, a prayer and an activity. Do you have any suggestions? 

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4.) Mason had a Red, White and Blue Parade on Wednesday and it was the absolute cutest! Tiny little PreK and Kinders marching around waiving their flags high and chanting U-S-A! Theeee cutest!!!

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5.) Do you Snapchat? If so, leave me your username in the comments. Mine is below:

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Happy Friday friends! Have a great weekend!!!

{A Grateful Heart // VOL 4}

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Last night I went to bed with a very, very anxious heart. I tend to let worry take over me to the point where it becomes anxiety. Worry has always been a part of my life. And it became worse after I became a Mother. I have a constant need to protect and when that is out of my control fear takes hold. All day long yesterday I heard talk about threats to our country, saw Facebook post after post about these threats and how people were preparing for 9/11. It terrified me, honestly. Also, as I was praying last night I saw my phone light up and it was one of my really good friends of 25+ years asking for prayer. I didn't sleep much to say the least. I tossed and turned. Mason also didn't sleep very well. I worried even more that maybe he felt my anxiety. It was a long night.


This morning I woke up to a friend posting this scripture...

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
- John 16:33 

It was just what I needed to hear. It immediately gave me peace. Then I went to take Gunner outside and saw the most glorious sunrise...

 photo Sunrise-WaxahachieTX9-11-14_zpseb61f44f.jpg I am driving to take Mason to school I see a huge rainbow....THEN as I am leaving Mason's school I round the corner to see the rays in the sky making the most perfect cross.

When my anxious thoughts multiply within, Your consolations delight my soul.
-Psalm 94:19
 Thank you God. Thank you. 

Our God is so faithful and I am so grateful for the reminders he sent me this morning. This week I am also grateful for...

+ family
+ fall pretties on pinterest
+ cooler weather headed to texas
+ good eye dr reports {post here}
+ allergy medicine
+ our roots and where God has led us
+ freedom
+ prayer warriors
+ friends that are more like family
+ imaginations

What are you grateful for, friend?

Ember Grey