Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

{Weekend Wrap-up // Corporal Pinning, Hockey, Ft Worth, Reset Day, Coop & Eggs}

Happy Wednesday! It's been quite a week already and thus the reason I am just now getting to share about our weekend. Work has been absolutely insane this week. I told Nate that it feels like it's rapid-fire email week. As soon as I finish one, seven more come in. Monday evening we had Mason's first hockey practice with his team he will be on for league. More on that later! But for now, here is a look at our weekend. 

{Summer Bucketlist Update // What we did in June & July}

Sweet, sweet summertime. How I love you so! I do not love the Texas heat (I feel like a broken record over here - but it's miserable here) but I love the freedom that comes with summer. We have put a pretty big dent in our Summer bucket list in June & July. Here's a look at all that we have done! 

{Weekend Wrap-up // Epic Central, Birthday Party, Hockey, Back to School Bash}

Happy Monday!!  Hope you all had the most incredible weekend. While ours was jam-packed, we had such a good, good one. It was filled with so much family and friend time and so many moments that were good for the soul. Here's a look at our weekend. 

{Five on Friday // Wander Inn , Hockey, Hockey, and more Hockey, Summer Vacations}

Happy finally Friday!! I hope that you all have had the most beautiful week. We sure did! Soaking in these final summer days before our lives start to get even more busy!! With school and league starting, I know that we will have a busy schedule. I am excited about those two things, though. Mason will be starting 8th (gasp) grade! One more year of junior high and then it's high school. Goodness, that happened fast. And before I start crying, let's move on. Here's a look at our week as well as some randomness. 

{Weekend Wrap-up // Chickens, Walks, a birthday party, hockey}

Happy Monday!! Last week seemed to fly by (which was really good) but then I feel like the weekend went by even quicker. And here we are, already at Monday again. Despite how quickly it went, we had a great weekend. Here's a look at what we did! 


{Weekend Wrap-up // Babes, Hockey, Softball, Church, Sushi}

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. Ours was pretty good, just not near long enough! I did soak up every minute that we got, though! It was filled with good food, family, friends, sports, and Jesus! I love those kinds of weekends. Here's a look at what we did...

{Five on Friday // Hockey, Sunflowers, Waxahachie}

Happy finally Friday! This was my first normal week (working all 5 days) in a while and it felt sooooo long!! Can we go to four day work weeks? Please and thank you! Wishful hoping. Nate is off on most Fridays (unless he picks up an overtime shift) and I'm so jealous! Well, maybe I'm not so jealous of his 4 am wake-up call. ha! Anyhow, it was a pretty good week. Here are five things from our week! 

{Fourth of July Camping // Blue Sky RV Cedar Creek}

 This year for the 4th of July, we camped with Nate's family at Blue Sky Cedar Creek. It's a new RV resort near Cedar Creek Lake. It's just minutes down the road from my family's lakehouses!  Two of my aunts, and my parents all have a lakehouse on the same street (4 houses total between them all). And because of this, we got to spend some of the 4th of July weekend with both sides of the family! It was brutally HOT but we survived and had a great time! 

{Weekend Wrap-up}

Why do weekends always fly by so fast? We had a pretty busy weekend, which always makes it seem even shorter. Despite it being busy, it was a fun weekend. Here's a look at what we did...


It's officially summer (as of June 21st) and I am a bit late in sharing our 2023 Summer Bucketlist. Summer for us usually starts in May and goes through September! The Internet says summer is from June 21st through September 23rd, to be exact. When Texas hits the 90s, that's summer enough for me. Plus, Mason is homeschooled so we can make our summer dates whatever we choose. Here's a look at all the things we hope to do this summer. Since I'm super late in posting this, we've already checked off quite a few! 

{Currently // July 2023}

It's time for a "currently" post! I haven't done one since January and these are some of my favorite posts. Linking up with Jennifer to share what we are currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying this month. 

{Our Lakehouse Rental for Memorial Day Weekend}

Nate's parents booked the most beautiful house for our family Memorial Day trip! The house was on Lake Conroe, just a couple hours from home. 


{Anniversary Cruise // August 2022}

 Nate and I decided very last minute to go on a cruise for our anniversary! Nate found a fairly inexpensive cruise that just so happened to be the dates we needed! All the stars aligned somehow and we were booked in a matter of an hour or so. 


 Day five on this cruise was a day at sea. Nate had to take Mason for a covid test. While he did that, I went to a debarkation show. It was pretty informative since the debarkation was a lot different than the Disney cruise! Then we went out to the lido deck where Nate and Mason did the ropes course! 


 On day four, we had another day at port. This time it was in Progresso/Yucatan, Mexico. We were excited since this was a place in Mexico that we had never been to before. We weren't sure what to expect, but we were thrilled to explore! We got off the ship as soon as we were able to and found our meeting spot for our excursion. For this one, we chose an all-inclusive luxury resort called the Reef. 


 Day three on our cruise was a day at port in Cozumel, Mexico! We had an excursion booked for this day, so we went straight to check-in for that excursion! This was our first time getting off at port on a Carnival cruise, so we weren't 100% sure what to do. Our tickets had a number on it, so we just looked for that sign with that number. It wasn't too bad! 

{Day 2 on the Carnival Breeze!! // A DAY AT SEA}

 On day 2 of our cruise, we literally stayed in the hot tub most of the day! We happened to find them by accident! We were on the lido deck looking over and saw some hot tubs on the 5th floor! So we went and changed and messaged the rest of the family to meet us there! We met so many awesome people in the hot tub! 

{Come Sail Away // Day 1 on the Carnival Breeze!!}

 Back in December, we had a huge family cruise planned for the whole Hall family. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, we were not all able to go. We wanted a do-over with at least some more of the Hall we planned a Carnival Cruise together! We had never cruised with Carnival before, so we went with an open mind. Especially just coming off a Disney cruise 7 short months prior! However, we were pleasantly surprised by Carnival. More on that later. Here's a look at our first day on the Carnival Breeze!


 Nathan and I took off on Friday to have a family day with Mason! We took him to the Lego store, had lunch, and went to the Stranger Things pop-up at the Grapevine Mills Mall. When looking at the pop-up online, it appeared that you had to have tickets ahead of time. So, we got our tickets for a time-slot in the afternoon. 

{Sweet mornings with Mason}

 The stars started to align and Mason finally got on a good schedule. He was waking up when I did, which is out of the norm for Mason. So, we started making the most of our mornings together before I had to start working. One of our favorite things we did was go to the church down the road to shoot some hoops!