Mason has really been wanting to get into something lately. He chose boxing! We have a local policeman that opened a boxing ring/gym in our town, so it was perfect! Our plan is to do a few drop-in classes to see if Mason would like it. It was hard work, but he seemed to enjoy it.
{We've reached a milestone over here}
Mason is finally tall/big enough to fully operate the mower! He's been helping Nate mow our lawn for a few weeks now. We live on two acres and with only a normal riding lawnmower, it takes quite some time. Nate mows the front half and Mason takes on the back half!
{Skateboarding?? // March 2021}
Mason and I both had a hankering for getting skateboards and learning how to ride them. So, the evening after all of our spring break celebrations & getting new chicks, we did just that! We had seen some at the mall earlier the day before, but we didn't want to pay pro board prices when we were just starting out. We went to Walmart and found two perfect boards for us.
{Our first set of baby chicks // March 2021}
I mentioned in the previous post that after our spring break celebrations we went and picked up something exciting! What was that exciting thing I'm talking about? Our first set of baby chicks!!! (well, first set this go-'round! - we had chickens about 12 years ago) We went to Atwood's and Mason and I picked out 10 sweet little babies to bring home with us!!
{Spring Break // Main Event & Bahama Bucks // March 2021}
We carried our spring break celebrations into Saturday! We took Mason to a new Main Event that recently opened in our hometown. It was spring break, so we were expecting a massive crowd. We went in with an open mind and were pleasantly surprised. It wasn't overly crowded at all.
{Spring Break // LegoLand & Bricks and Minifigs // March 2021}
I took off work on Friday, March 12th so that we could surprise Mason with a fun day. His spring break was the following week and we weren't traveling this year (saving vacation time for some bigger trips this year). So, we wanted to kick off spring break week with a fun day for him. He had no clue where we were going and was so excited! We only had to hear "where are we going" somewhere on the side of about 37,000 times that week! ha.
Our first stop was....LEGOLAND!!!!
{Mase & Mama // Jeep pics}
Mase and I were out running errands and on the way back I told Mason I would like to get some Jeep pics down at our lake. Normally he despises pictures and it's a hard no for him. However, this day he actually obliged. I gave him the remote and let him go to town with taking pictures.
{Nathan & Mason's new hobby // Airsoft guns}
During the snowpocalypse, Nate and Mason watched videos on airsoft guns/tournaments. They also played a little with what they had here at the house. It wasn't long before we were buying new (better) airsoft guns at Academy and visiting a couple different airsoft supply stores.
I love that it's a hobby they can do together and right here on our property. Although, Mason would like to complete in tournaments one day. We have a big Airsoft park (I guess that's what you call it) not too far from our house. They offer free play as well as host tournaments. They are really looking forward to playing out there one day soon.
{Geode from New Mexico}
When we go on trips we like to find unique souvenirs! One of our favorite things to get is a geode. They are always so neat and it gives us an activity to do once we are back home. Mason has quite the stone/gem collection from all of our trips and mining adventures. He wants to pass them down to his children one day (so sweet, right?).