Showing posts with label This is Us. Show all posts

{Skateboarding?? // March 2021}

 Mason and I both had a hankering for getting skateboards and learning how to ride them. So, the evening after all of our spring break celebrations & getting new chicks, we did just that! We had seen some at the mall earlier the day before, but we didn't want to pay pro board prices when we were just starting out. We went to Walmart and found two perfect boards for us.


Here's a look at our month of June according to the One Sec Everyday App! I love that this app reminds me to make a conscious effort to take more videos every day. I'm usually just a photo snapper, but I love looking back on videos so much! June was full of spending time with God, sunsets, hanging out on our porch, Jeepin', birthday-ing, beaching, friends, and home projects. 


Here's a look at our month of May via the One Sec Everyday App! I love that this app reminds me to make a conscious effort to take more videos every day. I'm usually just a photo snapper, but I love looking back on videos so much!

{One Second Everyday // January, February, and March 2020}

I have been using the One Second Everyday app for quite some time and love the little memories captured in those videos. I've been meaning to share them on here but always forget to do so. This is our family scrapbook and I know I will love to look back on these one day. Having it all here on the blog makes that so much easier.

{Three Things // Fall edition}

It's been a while since I have done a "three things" post. I thought now would be a good time as we are transitioning from summer to back to school to sort of not really fall. Every ounce of my being is ready for fall, but the temps are still in the upper 90s and even reaching triple digits on some days. I am over it. Maybe all of you up north can send some cooler temps down here to Texas? Maybe? Anyhow, here's a three things post.

{We tried a new church...}

The past two Sundays Nathan, Mason and I visited a new {to us} church. I have really felt the Lord pressing on my heart to give this church a try and, well, we did just that...

{Five on Friday // Dress Up week, One Second Every day, Rose, Camp, Life on Back Forty}

Happy Friday! This week actually went by pretty fast for me. Sunday through Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I had a migraine so that was blah! And then Wednesday it poured and poured. And as of right now the forecast is showing rain until Monday. Nonetheless, I am ready for the weekend. Here's a bit of what went on this week for Five on Friday...

{Happy Thanksgiving 2018 // 18 things I am thankful for}

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! I hope that you have an amazing day with the ones you love most! This year we are having lunch with Nathan's family at 12:00 and then supper with my mom's side of the family at 6:00. We got super lucky this year with the two events being spread out enough!

{Pickle Parade // Jeep Club}

This past Saturday we joined two of our Jeep clubs for the annual St. Patty's Day/Pickle Parade. It was a complete blast and we can't wait for the next parade. We had heard how crazy this parade gets (over 35,000 in attendance last year) but didn't realize how crazy until we actually saw it. There were massive amounts of people every direction we looked. We heard our names being called several times, but it was hard to tell where it was coming from. Later by way of Facebook, we found out who many of the yells were from. It was such a fun day!

{This Past Weekend // March}

It's been a while since I've recapped our weekend! Mainly because I can't get my stuff together on Monday morning and by Tuesday I am over it. ha! But, I'm trying to be better about blogging things we've been up to...even if that means it being late. We had a really great weekend and if it weren't for this week being spring break I would be wishing for just one more Sunday (or two, or three!). Here's a look at...


These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
- John 15:11 (ESV)

It's time for one of my favorite link-ups...Five Things Bringing Me Joy Right Now! We absolutely loved reading all of the posts last month and sharing in the simple joys of life with you. Life can get so busy yet mundane and it's always good to find the joy in the day to day. We all have something bringing us joy, right? We would love for you to join us in sharing your joy.

{These are the days // January}

Hi, my name is Crystal and I AM A PICTURE HOARDER (and also very behind on blogging)! Seriously! I take so many pictures and many of them never leave my phone. In efforts to change that I am going to start posting random pictures here on the blog every month! These truly are the days. All of these little moments that bring my heart so much joy! I've been blessed with this sweet life and I am forever grateful!

{What's Up Wednesday // January}

Joining in for the first time ever for What's Up Wednesday! And I'm writing this on the day of! Better late than never, right? I've been so tired lately and blogging has been put on the back burner. I'm wide awake at night and can't sleep, and then so tired the next day. I'm so ready for this to be a thing of the past. Anyhow, here's a look at What's Up Wednesday...

{The Daily Dime // Jan}

Linking up with Kristin at Taz and Belly for The Daily Dime in which we take 10 pictures throughout our day and document the happenings of that day. I remembered to take these pictures (back on 1/8/2018) and document our day, but it has taken me forever to get this blog post written. I don't know why I keep forgetting! I'm glad she keeps this link-up open for a while. Anyhow, here is a look at a day in our life, The Daily Dime.

{Three things // January}

My sweet new blog friend Britt posted a 'Three Things' post recently and it reminded me that it's been a long while since I have written a three things post! It's such a fun way to catch up on some randomness going on over here! So, here are our three things right now...

{This Past Weekend // Birthday, Basketball and Bible Study}

Happy Monday! Is it just me, or did Monday come entirely too fast? Our weekend wasn't even busy and it flew by. I had an awful migraine the majority of the weekend, but thankfully had a lot of time to rest. I tried working on Friday, but the computer made me feel worse. So, I took some personal time off. Anyhow, here's a recap of our weekend. I'm starting this one on Thursday because it was my birthday. And my sweet family made it so special for me. Here's a look at This Past Weekend...

{Snow Day // Jan 16, 2018}

On Tuesday of this week we got to enjoy a nice snow day at home! Monday was a holiday, so it ended up being a super extended weekend. They were quick to call school around 9:30 the night before. We laughed and were thinking how they would never do that when we were kids. We had to wait until like 7:00 - 7:30 the next morning to find out. They would wait until the very last minute, so you had to get ready just in case they didn't call it. It also makes us laugh how quick Texas shuts down on snow days! But, an extra day at home? We'll take it!