Showing posts with label Winter 2020. Show all posts

{Geode from New Mexico}

 When we go on trips we like to find unique souvenirs! One of our favorite things to get is a geode. They are always so neat and it gives us an activity to do once we are back home. Mason has quite the stone/gem collection from all of our trips and mining adventures. He wants to pass them down to his children one day (so sweet, right?). 

{New Mexico Trip // Day 5 // Winter Wonderland, Steam}

 On our fifth day at the cabin, we woke up to the most beautiful Winter Wonderland!! There were several more inches of snow all the way around the cabin!! And all of the trees were covered. It was the most beautiful sight!!! There is just something so magical about snow in the mountains. I felt like I was living inside of a real-life snowglobe!!! Or a Hallmark movie. 

{Currently // December 2020}

 It's that time...time for the Currently link-up with Anne in Residence. I've failed at keeping up with the blog once again, but tis' is life at the moment! This month we are sharing what we are currently baking, decorating, gifting, hoping, sending.