Showing posts with label Winter2021. Show all posts

{Valentine's Day // 2021}

 Valentine's Day looked a lot different this year...and for once I am not talking about Covid! It just happened to fall right around the time Texas was expecting the biggest snow/winter storm we have had in years. It was also different because it was just Mase and me at home. Nate had to go into work the night before (and sleep over) to prepare the plant for the storm (more on that later). 

{New Mexico Trip // The Video}

 I always take video footage of any trip and compile them into a video for memory's sake! I love having these videos to look back on. Our time in New Mexico was so special to us. 


Today wraps up my last and final New Mexico trip post. In true Crystal fashion, it's 2.5 months overdue. But hey, better late than never. We woke up and slowly packed all of our things to begin the trek home. We didn't really have time that we needed to be out of the cabin, so we didn't rush. In our hearts, none of us wanted to leave this dreamy place. It was one of those trips that you dream about, or see only in the movies. We loved every single minute of it. 

{New Mexico Trip // Day 4 // My birthday and a snowmobiling adventure}

 Day four of our trip {January 18th} was my birthday! We had a fun adventure planned for the day and couldn't wait! We tried to sleep in as much as we could so that it would be closer to time for our adventure, but that didn't work for me. I woke up naturally around 7 am every day of the trip. I did hang out in bed for a while, though! 

We just hung out at the cabin for the first part of the day. We cooked breakfast, opened birthday gifts, and then got all of our snow gear ready! It was finally time for...

S N O W M O B I L I N G!!!!!!

{New Mexico Trip // Day 3 // More Taos}

 On day three, the rest of or group wanted to go check out Taos. On the way there we went through Eagle Next and then to Angelfire to show the Moores the RV Resort that we stayed at a couple of summers ago! It was one of the nicest RV Resorts we have ever been to! 

{New Mexico Trip // Day 2 // Exploring Red River and Taos}

 I am pretty sure I could get used to waking up in a log cabin!! Every day feels like a vacation and who doesn't want to feel like they are on vacation every day of their lives? I made a note to "buy a log cabin in the mountains" in my phone! Goals, for sure!!

{New Mexico Trip // Day 1 // Getting to our Cabin}

 Back in November or early December Nate's mom started texting him asking if we'd be interested in a cabin/mountain trip for my birthday in January! Nate didn't even have to ask me. He knows that if the question is mountains that my answer will always be a YES!! So then the search for a cabin began! She found one that fit our family and the time frame that we needed. It was so cute and dreamy! Seeing pictures of the cabin surrounded by snow made my heart so happy! However, when we got there we had to switch cabins!! More on that later...

{A Texas snow day // 2020}

 IT SNOWED!!!! It freakin' snowed in Texas. Sure, we knew there was a chance, but when you live in the Lonestar State that chance is more like a  'haha fat chance' type of thing. Texas is a really big tease if you didn't know. We woke up to a light drizzle but saw the temps were going to drop and that drizzle would turn to snow. Still, it was an "I'll believe it when I see it" kind of morning! Not too much later, Keri texted me and said that they were getting snow at their house only about 25 minutes away! This is when I started getting excited! A bit after that, Keri texted me again and said she was getting snow in town. Her work is only about 8-10 minutes from my house. This is the point where I started checking out the door every five minutes! I'm sure my behavior echoed that of a child on Christmas morning! There is just something so magical about a snowfall (especially in Texas) and I pray that is never lost on me. Finally, a very light snowfall started. Nate and I had a couple of errands we needed to run and decided to do it early just in case the roads got bad. Again, we live in Texas and all we know is ice. We took the Jeep and I asked Nate if we could get some pictures of it in the snow before we got home. Of course, he is amazing and obliged! We drove down to our private lake to capture some photos.