I mentioned in my train post that we scoped out a really awesome park that we wanted to go back to! Well, after lunch that day Nate and I took Mason to find that park! It was crazy packed, but so much fun. A friend told us they call it the Dr. Seuss park and that is such a great way to describe this park.
Showing posts with label fall 2019. Show all posts
{2019 Autumn bucket list // Update two}
Friday, November 8, 2019
Not too long ago I shared our first Autumn bucket list update and today I am back with another update! We are rockin' and rollin' on our list and having so much fun this fall. We are about 72% through our list. Here's a look at what we have done so far...
fall 2019,
Fall Bucketlist,
{Jeep Safari at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center with Texas Jeep Adventures}
Thursday, November 7, 2019
This past Saturday we joined Texas Jeep Adventures for a Jeep safari at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center! We were so excited to have Nate's parents join us in our Jeep and we convoyed with another Jeep from our area! We all met at an Expo center not far from the animal park so that we could all convoy over together. If I had to guess I would say there were over 75 Jeeps in total for this event. It was so much fun!!!
fall 2019,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
This past Friday Nathan and I celebrated 23 years of being together!! TWENTY THREE! And how did we celebrate? By going to a Halloween party that a local Jeep club put on along with a shop owner that is a friend of ours! Mason opted to stay with his Grandparents, so it was a date night for us. We missed him, but enjoyed our time together.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Are we over Halloween, trick or treating, and pumpkins? I know the minute we got home from trick or treating I was ready to ditch the pumpkins and bring out the Christmas stuff! Maybe because it was in the 30's here and that's more like winter for Texas and not very fall like! We skipped right from summer to winter! Anyhow, we decided to go Trick or Treating in our town this year and we had a good time! We started early around 5:45ish, but it worked out pretty great for us.
fall 2019,
Fall Bucketlist,
{Mason's got jokes // pumpkin joke 2019}
Saturday, November 2, 2019
I shared this on Instagram, but wanted to put it here on the blog so that I can look back on this years to come! This is our family scrapbook after all.
{Pumpkin Patching at Shadow Creek Pumpkin Farm // 2019}
Friday, November 1, 2019
Last Sunday we were able to finally carve out some time to go to the Pumpkin Patch. October was jam packed and a billion degrees. Who wants to visit the pumpkin patch when it's 96 degrees outside? That just doesn't feel right to me. Anyhow, we had declared Saturday, October 26th as our "pumpkin patch day". It was going to be a glorious high of only 64 degrees and just perfect. Only it rained and rained on the Thursday and Friday before so they closed the patch for Saturday. Womp. Womp. We already had plans for Sunday as we were celebrating my Grandma's birthday party at my aunt's house. Monday would have been her 74th birthday and we wanted to celebrate her. We were able to get together with my family for a few hours and then head to the pumpkin patch for a few hours.
fall 2019,
Fall Bucketlist
{Fall Festival at church}
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
This past Saturday was our fall festival at church! We decided to go to the 5:00 service before the festival. It was a special night because Nate's mom joined us for service and then the carnival. My parents, sister, and nephew met us at the carnival. Worship and the message were both amazing as always! We got out around 5:55 and then walked out into the parking lot where the carnival was. The carnival started at 6, but it was already so crowded. Our church puts this carnival (complete with carnival rides) on for the whole community for free. The only thing that costs is the food! There were several food trucks there and everything smelled amazing!!
{Annual Hocus Pocus Movie Night // 2019}
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
One of my favorite nights of the year is our annual Hocus Pocus movie night! We finally made this happen this past Friday and it was a blast. It was kind of rainy, dreary, and cool outside, so it was the perfect night for watching a movie. We picked up Mason from school, I finished working, and then we started planning our evening.
fall 2019,
Hocus Pocus
{Air Show at Fort Worth Alliance Airport // 2019}
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Okay, y'all...we have seriously been living under a rock! This was our first time to ever go to the Fort Worth air show and I can't for the life of me figure out why. We've heard about it a million times, but never pursued anything beyond that! We were blown away by the size of this thing and how fun it was!! We are so glad we were invited to go, otherwise, we may have never gone. Here's a look at our day at the Fort Worth Air Show!
fall 2019,
Fort Worth Air Show
{Weekend Wrap-up // Haunted house, air show, benefit dinner, church and friends}
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Whoa! What a busy and crazy week so far. Every time I have come to type up this post I get sidetracked with something else. Anyways, we had a really good weekend full of family and friends. Here's a look at our weekend wrap-up...
fall 2019,
Weekend Wrapup
{2019 Autumn bucket list // Update one}
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
It should come as no surprise that we've already started crossing things off our 2019 Autumn bucket list!! Here's what we've done so far...
fall 2019,
Fall Bucketlist
{DIY // porch pumpkin revamp}
If you have been around my blog for a minute then you know that crafting is my jam! I try to work on at least one project a weekend. I enjoy it and find it therapeutic too. And, what good is all those Pinterest pins if you never put them to use? Right? Last weekend was kind of a weird weekend with me being ill and all. The only craft I had done was making some onesies for my niece that is due in December {and I totally forgot to take pictures}. So Sunday evening I was itching to make something, but I didn't really have anything planned. One trip to my porch changed that! I saw my porch pumpkin I made several years ago and it was in dire need of a revamp...
{Halloween Happenings at Mitchell Resort // 2019}
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
This past weekend was our 3rd annual Halloween Happenings at Mitchell Resort and we had a complete and total blast. You can see year one here and year two here {side note - oh my gah, my itty bitty 2017 Mason}!! This year my parents and my sister and her family were able to join us as well as our good friends again! I can't even tell you how much fun we had.
fall 2019,
Halloween Happenings,
Mitchell Resort
{Texas State Fair // 2019}
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
As Hall family tradition holds, we went to the Texas State Fair this past Sunday! We like going on Sunday mornings because they are far less crowded than on a Saturday! And we like to get there as soon as they open so that it's not as hot. But who am I kidding? This is Texas and we were sweating just walking from the truck to the gates. Anyhow, here is our 2019 Texas State Fair trip...
fall 2019,
Texas State Fair
{Three Black Cats // DIY}
Thursday, October 3, 2019
DIY'ing and crafting are my jam! A weekend is just not complete for me if it didn't involve crafting of some kind. I am obsessed and find it quite therapeutic. I can't remember where I first saw this idea, Pinterest probably, but I have been wanting to make these for the longest time. I knew that we probably had a piece of wood in the shop I could use and I had everything else in my craft closet to make these three black cats for my porch! So, a couple of weekends ago I did just that.
{Three Things // Fall edition}
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
It's been a while since I have done a "three things" post. I thought now would be a good time as we are transitioning from summer to back to school to sort of not really fall. Every ounce of my being is ready for fall, but the temps are still in the upper 90s and even reaching triple digits on some days. I am over it. Maybe all of you up north can send some cooler temps down here to Texas? Maybe? Anyhow, here's a three things post.
fall 2019,
This is Us,
Three Things
{This past weekend // Last one in September}
Monday, September 30, 2019
What.a.weekend.it.was. While I love our weekends around here, I am okay with this one being over. It started out with me being sick on Thursday and into Friday and even into Saturday and Sunday. I used a personal day at work on Friday because I was so sick! And then we found out some dear friends of ours died in a motorcycle accident on Saturday. It was just a weekend full of emotions and not feeling well. Anyhow, here's a look at what we did this past weekend.
{Target dollar spot haul // fall round up}
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Shopping the Target dollar spot {or Bulleye's Playground - not used to that new name yet} is one of my favorite things to do! I especially love it for little touches of decor, coffee mugs, craft projects to do with Mason, etc. I think fall and Christmas time are my favorite times to shop at Target. I can't get over the cuteness! Anyhow, here is my 2019 Target dollar spot fall haul.
{Fall Home Tour // 2019}
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Fall kicks off my favorite time of year! There is just something special about the "ber" months...those last four of the year!! And my home is my favorite during those months as well. I always start decorating my home for fall in the early days of September so that I can enjoy it for a while. Is it just me, or is fall decor just so warm, welcome and inviting? I love it. With that being said, welcome to our fall home tour...
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