Showing posts with label summer bucketlist. Show all posts

{Summer Bucketlist Update // What we did in June & July}

Sweet, sweet summertime. How I love you so! I do not love the Texas heat (I feel like a broken record over here - but it's miserable here) but I love the freedom that comes with summer. We have put a pretty big dent in our Summer bucket list in June & July. Here's a look at all that we have done! 


It's officially summer (as of June 21st) and I am a bit late in sharing our 2023 Summer Bucketlist. Summer for us usually starts in May and goes through September! The Internet says summer is from June 21st through September 23rd, to be exact. When Texas hits the 90s, that's summer enough for me. Plus, Mason is homeschooled so we can make our summer dates whatever we choose. Here's a look at all the things we hope to do this summer. Since I'm super late in posting this, we've already checked off quite a few!