Showing posts with label wordless wednesday. Show all posts

{Wordless-ish Wednesday - Mason dresses himself}

A few things about this photo - 

- Mason wanted to go outside and play in the 100+ degree heat. So, Nathan slapped on a white tank and basketball shorts to go out with him. Well, Mason wanted to dress like Daddy.

- He dressed himself

- White shirt with red writing paired with camo swim trunks {totally matches, duh}

- The camo swim trunks are a size 18 month. Every time I put them in our "storage bin" Mason takes them back out and puts them on. 

- He did match his camo shoes to his camo shorts


 Do your kids dress themselves?

{Wordless Wednesday}

{Wordless Wednesday}

{Wordless-ish Wednesday - Duck Call}

"Mama, dis is my duck call"

{Wordless-ish Wednesday - Just like Daddy}

The relationship these two share just makes my heart so happy! Mason wants to do everything just like Daddy...even carry his pistol!


Friends, if you have a moment will you say a little prayer for us? We'd appreciate it greatly. I will share more later, when I can. 

{Wordless Wednesday - Toddlerhood Pt 2}


Pretty much goes hand in hand with this post here

Oh........Toddlerhood!!! You've given me a few grey hairs, several near heart attacks, but a whole bunch of laughs!!!!

Mason thinks it's pretty hilarious!!!

{Wordless-ish Wednesday - Toddlerhood}

This picture? Just about sums up Toddlerhood these days!


{Wordless Wednesday}

{Wordless Wednesday}

{Wordless-ish Wednesday}

I saw these {fake} glasses on Groopdealz one day and knew I needed them for pictures of Mason.


{Wordless Wednesday}

Update - just realized that I posted a WW on a Thursday! Oops! O'well...leaving it!

{Wordless Wednesday}

Oh my heart!!!

{Wordless-ish Wednesday}

This is how Mason gets on his bicycle....

 Every single time!

{Wordless Wednesday}

All boy...