{Vacation - Days 5-8}

Wednesday - one of the most fun days of our trip! It was my brother in law's birthday. We went to Aquarium in Corpus Christi and then ate at Joe's Crabshack. We love that the Joe's in Corpus is right on the water. Our table was by a huge window and Mason loved it. This was one of our best dining experiences. We were there over 2 hours, no doubt. Mason was wonderful and we had so much fun! Our waitress made a friend in Mason...she brought him crackers and a toy shark. He loved them both. :)

We even got in some cute family photos!!!

Holy heck my boys are handsome!!!!

This is what you get when you ask Mason to close his eyes!!

Thursday - we took a boat/dolphin tour. It was a blast. When I heard "dolphin tour" I was thinking yeah right....we probably won't see any. Boy was I wrong! We saw 35-40 of them. They even put on a show for us and came right up to our boat. The boat ride started out like poop, though! Mason wanted down to roam and he was throwing a fit. I was so scared thinking...here we are at the mercy of this boat ride for 1.5 hours with a fussy kid! Yikes. But once we got going it wasn't so bad...we kept Mason busy by pointing out everything to him. He liked the BIG FISH {dolphins} which he now calls sharks. Every type of fish or anything in the water is a "Shark" - except turtles. He knows the difference in those. Even though there are some types of trees that he calls turtles. Close, I s'pose. 

Friday - was our last full day on the Island so it only felt right to do the beach thing. We drove to Padre Island only to find the beach closed. There was a huge storm rolling in which made poor driving conditions on the beach. We did find a little nook to beach for a bit. Mason was mainly interested in chasing the birds. After the beach we went to a fabulous restaurant called Beaches and then did some shopping. Great last night!

It was a wonderful vacation. Even though Mason was a little crabbier than normal...yeah, did I mention the 4 teeth that decided to come in that week? 1 broke through...

{Hand, foot, mouth....WHAT?!?!}


I've been MIA from the blogging world for a while. I'm still reading, just not writing. Too exhausted to blog.
We've had a rough couple of weeks.
On Sunday, August 7 Mason came down with a fever. He was in a weird mood all day. All he wanted to do was lay around {mostly in my lap with his head buried in my chest}...which is so unlike him. He's a busy kid, always on the go. So of course this raised a red flag. We also noticed that Mason didn't have much of an appetite. And he wasn't drinking...which is also unlike him. That boy can put down some water! We also had a rough time with sleep that night. He couldn't get comfortable and wanted me to hold him {on the couch}. I was almost positive it was his ears...
So, I made him an appt the next morning with his pediatrician. Thankfully they got him in right away. 
Dr Gold examined him and much to my surprise his ears were perfect! We told her all of his symptoms and she knew right away what it was. She checked his throat, hands and feet...and her assumption was right.

Mason had "Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease".

What the hell?

I've never heard of such. I know my baby is sick, but you throw in the word "disease" and hello...freakin' out mom here. Apparently is a very common virus in infants and his Dr. said they've seen a ton of cases of it lately. 


Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children. Characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet, hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most commonly caused by a coxsackievirus.
There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. You can reduce your risk of infection from hand-foot-and-mouth disease by practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands often and thoroughly. 

Ugh! Really?

We practice very good hygiene with Mason, thankyouverymuch. He takes baths daily {sometimes twice in one day}. BUT he's a BOY for pete's sake.

Naturally we suspect his school...but his dr said he could have contacted it anywhere. 

So, we were home all last week. It's a virus that just has to run it's course...which is normally 7-10 days. I didn't mind. It was fun playing the role of a STAHM. And now I wish even more that I could be one!! Mason was in such good spirits, so sweet and as funny as can be. I loved my time with him...just wish it were under better circumstances. He's my little best friend, for sure. We have a blast together.

Hubbs started getting all of the symptoms of this virus on Tuesday evening. And then another virus...but that's a whole other post.

I don't know how I didn't get this one. Mason is attached to my hip!

Mason's 100% better now. The rash and blisters are gone and he has an appetite and can eat/drink without any pain! YAY!

Hate when my boys are sick :(

Pictures of my sick baby boy...

{Vacation - Days 1-4}

Our trip to the coast was pretty amazing! Maybe it was the nice ocean breeze, the sand between our toes, or the cute little chubby baby toddlin' along the coastline...or all of the above. I just know it was pure bliss ♥!!

I needed this trip. I needed the entire week with my boys...no schedules, no work, no school, no hustle and bustle...just pure relaxation.

We got into Port A around 6:00ish Saturday evening. We located our rental property, got the keys and set off to find our house. We did a quick unload at our house and then sent out for dinner. We went to a Mexican food place that we visit every time we are there. Said restaurant did not disappoint.

Sunday we headed to the beach. It was Mason's first time to see the ocean. He absolutely loved it. He took off after the water with no fear what-so-ever. I think his favorite part was chasing the birds!!

Monday & Tuesday we visited many new restaurants, did a little shopping, visited Padre Island, etc. One night we went crabbing. Jacky and Nate caught quite a few crabs and we put them in the back of the truck for Mason to see. Of course he wasn't scared and wanted to hold them! ha!

Pictures from days 1-4:

{Embrace the Camera - 8.4-11}

Linking up with Emily!!

These two boys are my everything!!

We just got back from a week long trip to the beach! It was nothing short of amazing. I was so happy to have these two {with no schedules interrupting} for a whole entire week! 

It was Mason's first trip to the Ocean and he loved it. I couldn't get enough of him toddlin' down the beach. Oh.So.Cute.

Your turn...go link up!

{I'm back...}

I've been MIA for over a week, I know I know! 
But for good reason.
We spent a week on the beach!!
It was amazing!
This was our beach bungalow for the week.
More pictures and stories later!!