{My first Birchbox}

I finally got an invite to Birchbox and was beyond excited!
They had stopped offering to new people for a while.
Well, last week I got an email asking if I wanted the "Teen Vogue" edition of the box.
I opted out.
I got my box yesterday and it had "Teen Vogue" all over it.
I was kinda frustrated.
Until I opened my box.....

Yea, I know - I'm a nerd...holding the box upside down. Oops!

Pure awesomeness!
Very pleased!!

  • Annick Goutal - Petite Cherie - perfume sample. Smells pretty good, very soft.
  • Essie - luxeffects - Full size Nail polish in a glittery pink. LOVE
  • Shiseido - Oil-Blotting Papers 
  • tarte - LipSurgence - Lip Tint in "Amused" - it's a bright pink...but I love the texture
Do you get the Birchbox?
What was in yours this month?

Go link up!

{Let's go to the deer store}

One of Mason's favorite things to do on weekends is go to the "deer" store. And by "deer" store he means one of the following; Cabela's, Bass Pro Shop or Gander Mountain.

He calls it a "deer" store because they all sell Deer hunting stuff.

He especially loves playing in all of the tents they have on display! I love to watch him play and can't wait to take him camping!!


I remember (before having children) always saying that I couldn't wait to have a little boy so that I could give him a mohawk...
(of course that wasn't the only reason I wanted a boy, but a fun perk nonetheless)

I have one...and he has the cutest little mohawk ever!!!!

Singing in the car!

Singing 'Wheels on the Bus' - this is the part where the babies say wahhh wahhh wahhh

Ohhh I could just eat him up!

{I wanna be skinny}

Ha! What a title. I mean, who doesn't right?!?
It's just been on my mind a lot lately.
I'm just ready to feel good. 
If only my mind and body would get on the same page!!!

Several years ago {like 8} I lost over 55lbs.
How? I did the no carb diet.
It's the only thing that's ever worked for me. Ever.

So, I know what I need to do...
I just can't for the life of me figure out why it's so hard to do and stick to right now.

It's so hard for me to sit and eat anything right now...
There's always something to be done.
Therefore I just scarf down something totally unhealthy. Totally carb filled.

I need to quit making excuses and just do it already. 
I'm hoping that by writing this post I will hold my self countable! 

I can do this. I've done it before.

I'm ready to have this stomach again....

{Monster Trucks}

 About a month ago Mason found a Rock Crawlin dvd of Nate's and had to watch it. That thing has now been glued to our dvd player/tv!! Mason loves the "Monster Trucks". He's hilarious when he watches it. He spits out things like:
"All fall down"
"He feel off the BIG rock"
"He's hurt. He has to go to Doctor"

I love it!

So when we found out that Monster Jam was coming to Texas Stadium we had to get tickets. Of course when we ordered them we could only get in the upper region. It might have been just as well, though. It was pretty loud where we were and I couldn't imagine being on the floor level!

It was our first time to actually see the inside of Texas Stadium. I wish we could have seen more of it, though. After fighting the crazy parking lots and trying to find a spot we only had about 30 minutes to get to our seats. And afterwards was just too hectic to look around!

There were a few times that Mason was frightened by the loudness...but we are 100% sure he enjoyed himself. He couldn't stop talking about it that night even though he was beyond tired.
 We bought him a Monster Truck that next day and it hasn't left his hands since...

Oh and it was the 30th anniversary of "Grave Digger" so that was cool!

It's actually one of the drivers from Monster Jam - the only girl - Candice Jolly. I told Mason that one time and he hasn't forgotten it. As soon as he wakes up in the morning he asks for "Candice Jolly". He's a hoot!

Many pictures!!

 I may or may not have cried at this point!

Cool red smoke!

I remember going to Monster Jam with my family when I was little and happy we were able to do this with our Masonbug!

And some videos:


He may or may not have crashed really hard after this! :) Poor sweet boy couldn't even keep his eyes open, but was so excited.

{Sometimes ya just gotta choose your battles...}

Nate's mom used to tell us this all the time and it never really sank in until I had a child of my own

  That would be Mason...in the bath...with his T-shirt on.
The only way I could get him in the bathtub...

{I posted this on IG, FB and Twitter last night, but wanted it blogged too. Mainly so I can show this to Mason when he's older and let him know how hard of a time he gave his Mama. :) I love you, Masonbug!} 


Aren't they cute??

They are all 2 years apart and as different as can be. Jaxon (on right) has a sibling due later this Summer and he/she will be 2 years younger than Mason. Crazy how that happened. I guess my sister or I need to start planning if we want the next one to be 2 years younger than the next. ha! Go ahead Leslie - that spot is all yours!!! :) 

Tanner - (in the middle), my sister's son, is 5 and in Pre-K at his local Public school. He loves cars, playing on his Nintendo DS and riding his go-kart and bike. He's a character...hilarious as all get out. Tanner is a spitting image of his Dad, and acts just like him too! He is the oldest of the grandchildren and plays great with his younger cousins. Tanner calls me Sis because he couldn't say my name when he was younger. It's stuck...and now Jaxon calls me that too. Oh and when Mason is around his cousins I am Sis to him too! ahh...

Jaxon - (on the right), my brother's son, will be 4 in June. They've recently moved him up to Pre-K rather than the 3 year old class because he is advanced for his age. My brother always says he's smart like his Aunt Crystal (that'd be me!!) haha. Jax loves Chuggington, toy story and Thomas the Train. He's ready to be a big brother and will sometimes tell you there are 2 babies in his Mommy's belly. Oh and opposite of Tanner....he looks just like his Mommy. But, I have to say he acts like my brother. :) He's a tiny little thing with a lot of energy.

Mason - you all know pretty well if you read my blog! {ha ha} oh Mason! I can't believe he'll be 2 in May. How and when did that happen? He loves his cousins something fierce...as you can see in the pictures above! He's still into tractors, of course, and now Monster Trucks. {Our Monster Truck dvd is a life saver in the mornings} I used to think he looked just like his Daddy - but now he just looks like Mason to me :)

It's always a good time when these 3 are together. It will be fun and interesting to add more kiddos into the mix. Everyone is hoping that Jaxon's sibling will be a girl. I'd rootin' for another boy :) shhh...

{So behind}

Okay, please tell me that I am not the only one that gets behind because it's hard to find the time to edit/organize pictures?? No?
That's the story of my life lately.
Not to mention that I am not 100% happy with my photos lately. 
My nice camera is still in the shop...
Somethin' about the parts coming from Japan and all of the natural disasters over there lately. Pshh..
While I do understand...it doesn't make me miss my camera any less.

Oh well. 
I just need to get over it.

These are still memories.
Still pictures of my beautiful child.
Of us. Of our life.

Okay, I feel a little better!!

I'll leave you with some pictures of who else? Masonbug! 

{Mason's 2nd haircut}

On Friday, Feb 17 we took Mason for his 2nd haircut. His hair grew like crazy after the first one. It's been almost exactly 1 month since his 1st haircut! Jeez-o-Pete!

We went a little shorter this time and I love it.
We can spike it, lay it down or do a mohawk {my favorite}.

He loved the place again and we had no problems!!

Before pictures - 
{excuse the quality - my camera is in the shop and so I tend to just use my phone}

During pictures:

After pictures: