{Wordless-ish Wednesday - Just like Daddy}

The relationship these two share just makes my heart so happy! Mason wants to do everything just like Daddy...even carry his pistol!


Friends, if you have a moment will you say a little prayer for us? We'd appreciate it greatly. I will share more later, when I can. 

{Citrus Lane - March edition}

Yesterday {3/19} we came home to a little brown box on our porch! I love coming home to packages!! Especially when it's a fun one for Mason. This month he got:
  • An adorable lamb aroma pillow
  • And organic applesauce pouch
  • A puzzle
  • A book of temporary tattoos

I think this was one of our best boxes yet!!

Last night we were in bed and Mason said, "Mama, I need my lamb pillow." He slept with it all night!

{Happy Friday}

Happy Friday Friends!
Hope you all enjoy your day.

I know I will because I am here...


Go Rangers!!!

We look forward to this day every year!!
"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."

Opening Day post from last year >>> here

{Run and hide your crazy...}

Nathan's dad tells us a story of Nate's mom back when Nate was younger...it goes a little something like this.

Nate's playing coach pitch, his dad is coaching and his mom is in the stands. 
The other team's coach is pitching to his team and a ball is hit up the middle...Nate runs to make a play on it and runs into the coach.  
Nate's Mom is at the fence yellin' "Get out of his way". 
The coach yells back, "I'm doing the best I can lady!" 
Then the Umpire tells Nate's dad..."Coach, you need to quiet down your parents!" 
Nate's dad laughs and says, "Ump, she's not just a parent. That's my wife! You try to keep her quiet!!"

So going to be me, only x10.
 I mean, we are mixing two of my favorite things in the world; baseball and my son.
Two things of which bring out a competitive nature in me.

Run and hide your crazy...

It's just BlastBall. Save the crazy for Tball. 



Go Iron Pigs!!!


PS - Saturday is our first game...if this wetness would hurry and dry.


{PT 2 - Easter Sunday}

Sunday morning we woke up to a downpour! And of course all of Mason's Easter basket goodies were in the trunk of my car {safest place to hide something from a two year old}. Luckily Mason wasn't ready to get out of bed right away and the rain let up enough to let me run to my car.  Mason loved his Easter basket from the "Easter Bunny". He was so excited! That Easter bunny sure is a smart fella...he knew everything Mason liked. He got a Ninja Turtle, A Ninja turtle mask and cape, The Story of Easter book, a kite, bubbles, a Ninja Turtle flash light, pajamas, and candy eggs. After Mason finished going through his basket Daddy cooked him a waffle and I read him the Easter story. It was such a special moment and my heart was so full. 

We hung out in our Pajamas and played for a while. Then we got ready to head over to Nana and Papa's house to visit. And what do you know?? The Easter Bunny left him a basket over there too! He even left a trail of marshmallows from the back door where he must have come in. I'm pretty sure Mason ate a few of them off the floor. He's all boy! 

 After he opened his Easter goodies we went outside to play! Nate had his kite up and going when we came out. So, while Mase was distracted with the kite his uncle T-Ty hid some money eggs for him. He was so funny, each time he'd find a egg he would open it right away and say, "Woo hoo, I got another penny" - even though they were quarters!! It was the cutest.

After he found all of his eggs he went for a swing, ate a Popsicle or two, blew tons of bubbles and played his little heart out. He was a busy little guy!

Mason, Uncle T-Ty and Nathan
We left around 2:30 because it was time for lunch/early supper at my parents house. We were expecting it to be only my immediate family there, but had quite the surprise. My aunt and cousin were in from Florida visiting and came over to visit! It was awesome. Mom cooked an amazing meal, as always and we hung out and visited. We were actually able to get all 4 of the boys to take a picture for us! That's not an easy task these days!!

Jaxon, Eli, Tanner and Mason

Then we hid all the eggs for the boys. I wish I would have taken a picture because the yard was covered in eggs. They boys each got so many eggs, it was unreal! Mason racked up another $5 bucks and lots of candy. He was excited.  

Oh and a video he made for Amanda and baby T. :)

What a sweet, fun day with family, love and full hearts.

As I look through these pictures and feel those memories made I can't help but be thankful. Thankful to Jesus for making that Ultimate sacrifice so that I can spend these special moments with my sweet little family. Thank you Jesus!!

{Texas Tuesday - A Texas Sunrise}

Hey y'all!! Happy Texas Tuesday!!

Masons Mama

What is Texas Tuesday? A chance for you to show off the awesomeness that is TEXAS!! You can blog about anything; restaurants, vacation spots, venues, concerts, your hometown, shops, fashion, sports, etc. The linkup is not limited to Texans, we just ask that the post is about Texas. 

We don't make following any of the hosts a requirement, but we do ask that you include our button and at least post about a Texas related topic. Any links that are not related to the link up will be deleted. (button code is in grab box below the image above)

We've invited Texas bloggers to co host with us weekly. So far we have gotten a great response and have co hosts scheduled through the end of March. If you're interested in being a co host for our link up please email Amanda at princessofthepanhandle(at)gmail(dot)com and she will get you on the calendar. 

This weeks co-host is Janette from The Johanson Journey . Make sure you stop by and visit her blog. Today she is sharing some interesting facts about Texas. Many of them I didn't even know and I've lived here 32 years!!


Only in Texas do you get Sunrises this beautiful...

Taken in Ferris, TX

I'm sure of it....

Stay tuned for a TEXAS sized giveaway coming soon!!! If you're interested in participating please email Amanda or I.

Amanda - princessofthepanhandle@gmail.com
Crystal - chall1018@sbcglobal.net

{Easter Pt 1 - Coloring Eggs}

Saturday evening we colored Easter eggs and it was awesome! Just me and my boys hanging out in our pajamas with Pandora playing in the background! It was so chill and just an all around good time. Nate and Mason hung out and did "boy" stuff while I prepped the eggs. Then he and I colored them. He kept saying he was "fishing"! I expected a complete disaster mess since it was Mason's first time to color eggs, but it wasn't bad at all.